By sickdisney - 21/05/2012 18:42 - United States - Riverside

Today, I watched a movie with my little sister. I couldn't understand a word that was said during one scene, but I figured it was in some kind of made-up language. When I commented on it later, she called me a moron and said it was Spanish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 119
You deserved it 36 013

Same thing different taste


23- I'm Arab yet I don't get a quarter the words in the language. -__-

You live in the U.S. I know it may not be your first language, but surely you hear it enough to know that the language in the movie was indeed Spanish. YDI.

Your sister must know that from Dora the explorer

pinkpixie06 11

I know OP is from California where a large part of the population speaks Spanish. However, he lives in the USA where the first language is English. I don't believe OP is an idiot for not recognizing a language that is not native to his country.

English is not native to the United States either. There's no official language. But of course, I'm sure she'd recognise the Indian languages native to her country, right? Oh, wait...

pinkpixie06 11

First, I was just trying to make a point that OP isn't an idiot because he/she doesn't speak or recognize Spanish. Second, I did not say that English was the official language of the US. I said it was the first language. Third, the word "native" can mean natural or normal. It is normal to speak English in the US. You don't need to be such a troll!

Tali147 16

This is true! People do not think Hebrew sounds like a real language. And by people, I mean Americans.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

It's okay. Although you're still kinda dumb for not at least sort of recognizing it being some sort of spanish language. I mean I don't know german or french but I can differentiate between the two.

how do you not recogonize a language that half the u.s speaks,... including myself and my cousin jesus

PInK_ExCiTeD 7

Y eso Es todo amigos! :P I bet half of this phrases were googled or learned with Dora :P and either way Spanish ain't that complicated :) (most of the time) ¿LOL que?