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Property is theft

By mu5icadd1ct - 08/07/2016 13:22

Today, my sister stole my bike and gave it to her boyfriend. When I told my parents, they said it was fine, because I wasn't using it anyway. The reason I wasn't using it was because it needed a new tire, and I was saving up for one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 674
You deserved it 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BeastBoyIsbetter 7

Steal it back Then steal her stuff and sell it Then burn her clothes and her shoes After that tell her friends a bunch of lies Then when she is crushed and asks you why tell her that you was tire-d of her actions Or not

You expect this type of thing on the streets, but in your own home? Where does one hide their kids and hide their wife now?


You expect this type of thing on the streets, but in your own home? Where does one hide their kids and hide their wife now?

I agree, there is basically no protection anymore from people who are, in fact, raping everyone up in here.

BeastBoyIsbetter 7

Steal it back Then steal her stuff and sell it Then burn her clothes and her shoes After that tell her friends a bunch of lies Then when she is crushed and asks you why tell her that you was tire-d of her actions Or not

All of that just for a pun? I gotta admire your dedication. Props

This is the greatest thing I've heard all day xD

Well now we know who the favorite child in that family is... Sorry OP, some parents are dicks.

Yep, steal it back and put a lock on it. If her boyfriend gets pissy about it, let him know what's up. If it's still an issue, get both sets of parents involved.

And if all else fails, you would be justified in contacting the police or CPS if you're under 18.

If the boyfriend is adamant about keeping it then try to get it back. Last resort file a report for it being stolen, if your parents defend your sister then remember that the next time she or your parents need you.

if the parents defend the sister when the police are involved, then they themselves are committing a crime. aiding and abetting a known criminal activity.

if the parents defend the sister when the police are involved, then they themselves are committing a crime. aiding and abetting a known criminal activity.

Bike tires average between $8 and $20. High-end Italian racer tires are $40. How long exactly were you "saving up" just to buy a tire? Mow a neighbor's lawn and voila, new tire.

tounces7 27

If OP is young enough and only gets an allowance, they may not have that option. Lawn mowers aren't free.

And a lot of places don't even have lawns anymore. In the southwest us most people either have tiny lawns in the backyard or no lawn at all.

Did you never find a way to earn a buck as a kid? If you can't borrow equipment there's plenty of things you can offer to do for someone without any equpment in exchange for a measly ten dollars. Pull weeds, rake leaves, clean gutters, wash cars, babysit for an evening. And neighbors usually allow you to borrow lawn equipment. Of course if you are a social pariah and have no one you can offer to do chores for, there's always the internet. Sell something. At school kids used to sell bracelets, cards, pogs, or candy to earn a few dollars. 8 bucks isn't hard to come by

That isn't to say that what her sister did is okay, it isn't under any circumstance. But her excuse for not using her bike is questionable. Are teenagers no longer expected to earn anything? I'm not old enough yet to be this disconnected from the younger generation.

If he is old enough to buy or have a smartphone/computer for FML, then there's no reason he can't afford a tire. Wash a car or two and you'll be able to buy 2 new tires.

@24: Even kids have smartphones and computers. You know who buys it? Their parents. So, just because they may have it doesn't mean they can easily afford other things.

Depends on what she needs. I can change a front tire and if it's flat I can fix it myself. if the entire tire needs to be changed and it's the back one, I wouldn't be able to do it myself. You are then not only paying for the tire itself and it get a whole lot more expensive.

Brightbulb 39

I just bought a new tire for my bike. I want to know where you shop? New rubber, inner tube and rim (thus 'tire') cost me $93 after taxes.

If you bought a rim #33 then you basically just bought a new wheel, the rim is not part of the tire.

I used to do chores for my neighbours all the time, especially when I wanted a new game or something.

kingdomgirl94 29

A lot of people don't live in small, close-nit communities. I don't even know my neighbours names, let alone ask if they would give me money for chores. Sounds like a lot of you grew up in suburban neighbourhoods where there's a street safety watch, street sales and community BBQs.

I remember, as a kid, trying to make money from the neighbors. I babysat a toddler for 4 hours and the mother only gave me a dollar. Tried a lemonade stand, and not a single person stopped. Kind of ruined my interest in trying to make money in my neighborhood.

I would love to know where to get a tire for $8. Tubes start around $4 and can cost as much as $15. Tires usually start around $25 and can cost as much as $40.

I have kids aged 13, 15 and 17.... All have jobs, the eldest has had hers for four years. Yes kids work these days... at least the ones who WANT to do.

Uh, where I live it's illegal to work before the age of 16, so no, it's not always that simple.

Retard alert. Retard alert. You have gone full retard. It is against child workplace protection laws to hire a child under the age of sixteen. If done so the owner of said establishment can face fines, revocation of their business license, jail time, and it is considered a federal offense. This was your retard alert, please check yourself, before you go full retard again

Wait until he puts new tires on it then take it back!

The fact that you weren't using it doesn't justify your sister just taking it to give to her boyfriend. Maybe you can ask the boyfriend to give it back. However he reacts to his girlfriend being a thief, she deserves it. If not, steal something of hers.

So... She gave a girls bike to a guy? Also sorry OP that just doesn't make sense if my sister or brother did that there would be problems.

The Venus symbol next to the OP's name denotes female gender.

Take some of your sisters most valued things and sell them on craigslist then use that money to get yourself a new bike

redcode5 17

Pretty sure its a mountain bike or a BMX gender wouldn't really matter.