By DF - 26/06/2014 14:58 - Israel - Rehovot

Today, I went bowling with my girlfriend, her sister and her brother-in-law, and her niece. After 10 rounds, I came in last place. Her niece is 3 years old. She got twice as many points as me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 655
You deserved it 12 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazzy_123 20

hey some people just aren't that good at bowling. I'm terrible at it and always get last anytime I play with my bf and his family. that's embarrassing lol

blame it on the guardrails? unless she had none... then you fail


That little girl probably had bumpers on and the little slide, which gave her an unfair advantage. Don't feel bad OP!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

This reminds me of that Malcolm in the middle episode

Just pretend you weren't 'trying' so she could beat you.

At least the toddler probably felt good about herself.

If she had the bumpers up, that's one thing. If she didn't, then you reeeeeaally need to practice more, OP.