By DF - 26/06/2014 14:58 - Israel - Rehovot

Today, I went bowling with my girlfriend, her sister and her brother-in-law, and her niece. After 10 rounds, I came in last place. Her niece is 3 years old. She got twice as many points as me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 655
You deserved it 12 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jazzy_123 20

hey some people just aren't that good at bowling. I'm terrible at it and always get last anytime I play with my bf and his family. that's embarrassing lol

blame it on the guardrails? unless she had none... then you fail


Lol you're horrible. Did you have the bumpers up?

Bowling just isn't what you're good at. I'm sure you're good at something else!

well u did just call the frames rounds...

Jesswokethisfall 11

this is a fml? -_- someone child beating you at a game.. vs paying a taxi the same amount that would be made that day. -.

Look on the bright side, you have a girlfriend

Reminds me of summer camp...except I was usually the only person there from Massachusetts (the camp was in Pennsylvania and welcomed people from all over the US), and as I constantly reminded them, we bowl differently here. Not that I'm any good at small-ball candlepin either...

Dont believe the story. 3 year olds cant pick up a bowling ball.