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By fisherman - 23/01/2010 10:12 - United States

Today, I went fishing with friends looking to catch big redfish. During the trip, one of the men caught a 50 pound monster which I put away. At the end of the trip they wanted to take a picture with it. I went to wash off the fish in the water. Apparently the fish wasn't dead and swam away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 938
You deserved it 35 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fish for redfish commercially, and I know that they may appear dead for hours however some still stay alive. they are tough bastards, and they are freakin sharp

Tromboneguy29 0

Just a fish? Have you ever caught a 50 pound redfish? That's definently a big deal. But anyway, you shouldv made sure it was dead. FYL


hijueputa 0

FYL, its not your fault, you wouldn't have known it was still alive.

Big deal. Its just a fish. How the hell is your life ******?

tiancai 0

His life is ****** because he is a dumbass who doesn't even know how to properly handle fish, yet has the audacity to call himself a "fisherman". In my village we always gut the fish before washing it (what the hell is the point of washing it before you gut it anyway, you'll have to wash it again after you do it).

YeahFMLxX 0

your in a village and probably harpoon baby sealsl for a living, and Sarah Palin is probably nagging you because your using the only internet hotspot wifi for 700 miles. waaaah he doesn't know how to fish waaaahhh.

tiancai 0

lmao, I doubt anybody in my village has ever heard of Sarah Palin. And unfortunately there's no Wifi, or even cellphone reception for that matter.

YeahFMLxX 0

then you must be way the **** out in Alaska. and whomp whomp about not having wifi, you can sit on the shores and wave to commerial boats, maybe they'll have wifi.

I think his life is ****** because the other guy caught a HUGE fish and now he'll be pissed that this guy let it go free.

Reyo 2

I just can't wrap my mind around how you and I are the only ones who realize this #68...

TripleJumpMan 0

he was cleaning it because they wanted to take a picture with it dumbass. why don't you try reading it first.

YeahFMLxX 0

I was talking for 48 you *****!

LittleRRed 5

Cuz now they have to tell the guys who caught it that its gone

I posted saying first because nobody had a post up yet but by the time I posted it I was 3rd so I posted "maybe not first" and now my first post is gone so don't judge me 

Yes, because we all adore reading 'first!' several times on each FML, you contemptible twit.

Can I judge you for being such a loser you felt the need to post "first" at all?

um. FAIL That's what sinks are for Or you could have just held it while you were washing it

1: Not everyone had a ******* sink on their fishing boat. 2: If it's a 50 pound fish, no doubt it'll be strong enough to break free from someones grasp, especially with the water, and oils acting as lubricants.

Twi_lover_EC 6

Yaaaaaay the fish got away! I think fishing is wrong so... Yaaaaaaaaaaaay. The fish got away!!! Anyway this is not an FML. Ur life is not ******.

jakeidk 0

that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard (almost) there is nothing wrong with fishing it's FOOD and it's GOOD.

Tromboneguy29 0

Just a fish? Have you ever caught a 50 pound redfish? That's definently a big deal. But anyway, you shouldv made sure it was dead. FYL

Was that your first time fishing? If not, you deserved it.

i would kill you if that was my fish, i would stick the rod in your ass, the hook in your eye, tie you up with extra string, put the net over you, then club you until you were unconcious, then tie the anchor to your feet, and throw you in the water

sam11jide 0

im pretty sure u did this on purpose out of jealousy maybe lol. how can u not tell a fish is still alive,especially if it still has the strength to swim away