By embarassed - 08/08/2009 14:53 - United States

Today, I went for a hike with my new boyfriend on a fairly deserted trail my ex-husband had shown me awhile back. In all my hikes there, I've never seen another person and figured it would be okay to get intimate. Guess who came hiking past? That's right, my ex-husband. And our 8yr old son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 110
You deserved it 73 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sireen 0

why would you go there if your ex husband showed you that spot....


I wonder what kind of woman u are? U have a kid and a husband but u desert them like that to go and get yourself banged by some1 else... It's because of women like you that this whole world has lost respect for the woman race and others women are not trusted. Women like you deserve worse than that. I pity your husband and son to have a wife and mother like you. Opps "Mother?" This word does not suit you.!!! Sorry!

SecretlySilent 0

Why would you have sex there anyway? That's what hidden caves are for. And hammocks if you have a privacy fence.

blink_kid 32

Perhaps one of them found out where you were headed and planned to "bump into" you? hehe

I don't see why you seem so surprised and upset. If your ex-husband showed you the trail then obviously he goes there, and he has the right to show your son. The trail isn't yours. BTW, why the HELL would you EVER get intimate in public?!

youre ******* didnt you know your ex wouldnt be using the trail? he's the one that showed you

I'm guessing your husband divorced your ass after you cheated on him with the bf.

the birds and the bees no longer has to be explained

That's probley why he has the kid,.