By kristine29 - 03/02/2010 16:06 - United States

Today, I went for a job interview I scheduled 3 weeks ago. I spent $200 on a new suit to really impress them and practised like crazy every imaginable question they could ask. They already had filled the position 2 weeks ago and forgot to inform me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 407
You deserved it 2 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. On the other hand, now you have a nice new suit!

txgirl09 5

Gah, see this is why I HATE interviews. They just treat you like dirt and expect you to lap it up in the hopes of a job.


paid2think 0

your retarted u just put YDI cuz ur gay like that

ozymandias_fml 0

YDi for buying a cheap suit to try and impress someone. At least buy a nice suit.

oogyboogy 6

I always thought it was a nice price. people usually have the shirt and the tie, and usually the shoes. so all you need is the sports jacket and pants. plus it was probably just a small business, not the vice CEO of wal-mart

perdix 29

Maybe you ought to try to sell the suit to the person who got your job. I'm sure she is raking in some sweet cash so you can palm the suit off on her for a tidy profit. That ought to buy you enough canned cat food to make it through the winter. All the cool hobos know that it goes great with government cheese. ;)

whitley1031 0

xD omg, that is hilarious, cat food is rlly disgusting tho, id go w donuts (^.^)

Ajjas013 6

How do you know it's disgusting? Have you ever tried it?

perdix 29

Whitley, the government cheese makes all the difference! We think of hobos as drunk, drug-addled, psychotic derelicts, but they really do have some culinary wisdom.

you're not impressing anyone with your 200 dollar suit. next time try spending at least a stack on a suit.

when I look at your picture than your commit, I can't help but imangn a hippy telling me to buy a nice suit xD

haha touche. in fairness, this picture was taken over two years ago, and i am now very clean cut and fashion-conscious.

Well now that you have a suit and know multiple answers, to senseless questions, you can do Jeopardy.

yusaku02 20

YDI for not being able to spell practiced

jcpt1984 0

52 that's how they spell it in Britain and most other English-speaking countries. We're the odd ones out on that.

sugarhighwhoo 3

#53, the poster's thing says he's from the U.S. what now? You have nothing, he's just a normal ignorant person.

The OP could easily be English. Calm your butts down.

you still need to migrate grammar if you're migrating currency

boatkicker 4

They used A right spelling. It's an internationally known website. Who cares WHICH spelling they use, as long as its correct according to some dictionary. I can understand correcting someone if this were something professional, but this is FML. It's right, it's just in the wrong place. I don't see why people make such a big deal about this crap.

jcpt1984 0

I feel your pain. But other interviews will come along and you're bound to find the right job. That $200 won't go to waste, don't worry.