By I_Hate_Cars - 15/04/2009 14:10 - United States

Today, I went for a jog. I had stopped at an intersection to let a car go by. The car stopped and the driver waved me on, so I started jogging again. After a few steps, I feel a sharp pain in my side, then wake up in the hospital. The driver 'accidentally' hit the gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 128 229
You deserved it 5 853

I_Hate_Cars tells us more.

I_Hate_Cars 0

To all, thanks for your concern. Don't worry, I'm fine, it was just a bad concussion when I hit the ground that knocked me out. I hope I don't disappoint anybody, but I am not going to sue. A few years in jail ought to be enough for the driver- it was a drunk. Luckily, there was a black and white across the street and got the driver in time. Again, thank you all for your concerns.

Top comments

RockstaR91 0

that sucks, I hope it wasn't a dodge..


Grettel 0

SUE THAT MOTHER ******!! Lol make him pay for your hospital bills.......then hit him with YOUR car!! Jk. Yea dnt do that haha

what's wrong with you America? good God I can't beleive what I'm seeing: sue sue sue sue- is that all we've become? greedy demons who want nothing but to ruin the other persons life? I'm not saying nothing should be done, but please before you take any action, make sure you get the right person and for the right reason. who's to say it wasn't a car that rear-ended him and pushed him into the op? we need to sue less as a whole, but this is a legitimate reason ONLY IF they don't help you in any way. please get your facts straight before doing anything rash that you'll regret. btw the only reason I can accuse America of this is because I am an American and I love this country. any other country disrespecting America any I'd knock them down a peg.

Jmerridew124 5

The reason we're saying "sue" is because the guy should be sued. He waved the person on, then hit them with his car. Do you expect the person telling the story to pay for that? The money to pay for that damage should be paid by the guy who did the damage to start with. It's not to ruin the driver's life, but to prevent the incident from financially ruining the life of the person telling the story.


LaPrimeraSombra 0

Let me get this straight... you were breezing across the street (couldn't have been more than a few feet from the vehicle) and he "accidentally" hit the gas! And, you woke up in the hospital after feeling a "sharp pain in your leg"??? One of four things happened here... 1. This guy was driving a tank! 2. He didn't realize his mistake until a mile and a half after the fact! 3. My entire knowledge of the human body and the effects that a smack to the leg can do, are terribly faulted! or 4. This is B.S.

@159 the OP NEVER said anything about a sharp pain in their leg but their side which is the entire side of your body sometimes if im not mistaken... i just wanted to point that out also the person driving coud have backed up a few more feet than nessacary to get enough space to gain speed and hit the OP so the 1 of 4 things that u said coud've happened aren't nessacarilly right especially 3 since it wasn't 'a smack on the leg'

XYZzzzzzzz 0

would you really "suddenly feel a sharp pain" or wouldnt it be more like suddenly your legs went out from under you, then you blacked out? i might have to call fake on this one ж