By I_Hate_Cars - 15/04/2009 14:10 - United States

Today, I went for a jog. I had stopped at an intersection to let a car go by. The car stopped and the driver waved me on, so I started jogging again. After a few steps, I feel a sharp pain in my side, then wake up in the hospital. The driver 'accidentally' hit the gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 128 229
You deserved it 5 853

I_Hate_Cars tells us more.

I_Hate_Cars 0

To all, thanks for your concern. Don't worry, I'm fine, it was just a bad concussion when I hit the ground that knocked me out. I hope I don't disappoint anybody, but I am not going to sue. A few years in jail ought to be enough for the driver- it was a drunk. Luckily, there was a black and white across the street and got the driver in time. Again, thank you all for your concerns.

Top comments

RockstaR91 0

that sucks, I hope it wasn't a dodge..

Comments sounds fake... didn't make sure the car was stopped... =P... your health, you watch out! Don't trust drivers, like the guy that can back into the only other parked car in the lot...stupid some are!

linacool15 0

this is what i'm so paranoid of...i'd prefer if the car went ahead rather than let me go ,because of things like this :O oh yeah and sorry!

Smi 0

128: You're the idiot. OP clearly states that the car was stopped and then waved them on. The driver is clearly at fault in the situation, accident or not. OP, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you weren't too seriously injured and that the driver stayed around to give their information and/or offered to cover your bills.

I_Hate_Cars 0

To all, thanks for your concern. Don't worry, I'm fine, it was just a bad concussion when I hit the ground that knocked me out. I hope I don't disappoint anybody, but I am not going to sue. A few years in jail ought to be enough for the driver- it was a drunk. Luckily, there was a black and white across the street and got the driver in time. Again, thank you all for your concerns.

wow.. i would personally shoot that mother fer in the head

A few years in jail is definitely not enough for hitting someone while drunk driving. Sue 'em to top it off.

This is my biggest fear while driving, that my foot will slip off the brake onto the gas. You shouldn't put the quotations around "accidentally" because it really could've been an accident. It happened to one of my managers, except he flew into an intersection and T-boned some guy.

I_Hate_Cars 0

Oh, sorry for not clearing this up: while the driver has not been sentenced yet, I was just assuming what it would be.