By I_Hate_Cars - 15/04/2009 14:10 - United States

Today, I went for a jog. I had stopped at an intersection to let a car go by. The car stopped and the driver waved me on, so I started jogging again. After a few steps, I feel a sharp pain in my side, then wake up in the hospital. The driver 'accidentally' hit the gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 128 229
You deserved it 5 853

I_Hate_Cars tells us more.

I_Hate_Cars 0

To all, thanks for your concern. Don't worry, I'm fine, it was just a bad concussion when I hit the ground that knocked me out. I hope I don't disappoint anybody, but I am not going to sue. A few years in jail ought to be enough for the driver- it was a drunk. Luckily, there was a black and white across the street and got the driver in time. Again, thank you all for your concerns.

Top comments

RockstaR91 0

that sucks, I hope it wasn't a dodge..


the same kind of thing happened to me not too long ago the only diffrence is i was driving too. but the driver of the other car stopped waved me to go then hit the gas as hard as he could. He was trying to make it look like i cut him off, luckily he ended up paying for my medical/car bills. that really sucks feel better soon!

Osakhomen 0

I've actually been in the driver's seat in this situation. I was rolling up to a street, and a bike rider was about to cross the side wall, and I accidentally pressed the gas instead of the brake... I don't know how I didn't hit the guy, but it was a SCARY experience for me. The guy was super mad at me, and had every right to be... I could have seriously hurt him. I think I was speechless for a good hour or so, because I couldn't believe I did that. Anyway, if was probably an accident, or the person would left the scene.

Hey, at least you'll get a settlement haha. Sorry about the injury though. It must be pretty traumatic to get hit by a car.

SarahBabyCakes05 0

that dude is freaking horrrrible. sue the dude. #3 hahahahahahahaha

ChrsR 0

Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. Sue. .?ns That's all i have to say.

sue dat dumbazz and get ur money. n next time sprint to the finish.

LAWSUIT!!!! start bitching at him for a week of how he's not carful enough and maybe get his driver's liscence suspended. :)