By BangBangBzzz - 15/12/2015 22:01

Today, I went for a much needed relaxing massage. As I lay down, the renovation works in the next building started up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 450
You deserved it 1 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, the blissful, relaxing sound of banging, hammering and electrical tools.

Maybe next time ask for some music or something to keep your attention off any distraction?


And that, my friends, is why ear buds exist.

writergirl1029 17

I once had a massage in the room next to a woman who was hard of hearing. The two of them carries on a loud conversation the whole hour while my massage therapist decided to lecture me on what foods to eat, stretches to do, and lotions to use. She then tried to set up another appointment for a week later. I never went back.

Did you complain to the place? you could write a review on yelp?

What bad timing! Hopefully you were still able to enjoy the massage OP, even with all the noise!