By Anonymous - 12/03/2013 04:43 - United States

By Anonymous - 12/03/2013 04:43 - United States
By sexual parrot - 21/04/2014 18:42
By Anonymous - 17/03/2023 04:00
By Moanie - 15/03/2009 22:45 - United States
By Zannanana - 30/10/2018 05:00
By MacGrouber - 17/03/2011 00:12 - United States
By weep weep weep - 12/03/2012 03:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/06/2016 19:39 - Germany - Munich
By Anonymous - 13/10/2010 14:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/04/2019 00:00
By What? - 22/01/2013 19:00 - Australia
And I wonder who taught the parrot that sound ?
OP clearly states it was her.
Smart arse. ^
I apologize for intervening, but I think wowlolreally was being sarcastic. :)
Sarcasm really doesn't work here since the OP was pretty blunt about it being her.
it was something like "arrrrrrr, I'm comminnnnnnn"
You let your parrot see/hear those things? I couldn't do it with an audience. Again, you should get a gag.
I use to have a quaker parrot that picked up the same thing, thankfully he didn't do it very often but the funniest thing he would do is every time my husband would walk past me and smack or tap my ass and I didn't make a noise the bird would go "OW"
I forgetting the point of my prior post the bird was not in the same room with us he was two rooms away but they still pick up on stuff even if they can barely hear it
That or I'm lot louder than I think and I need to have a nice talk with the people upstairs ........
Birds are smart, they'll pick up words and sounds they like.
Well what do you expect from a parrot? If he can hear it clearly, your neighbours probably can too!
I don't think I could keep my compass pointed north with a parrot in the must have a very accommodating boyfriend
my pleasure!
Tell people it caught it off of the t.v? lol oh my...
Then quickly teach the parrot a few new tricks and it will forget the current ones!
That's not how it works. Sorry. I own parrots and they're smarter than that.
They're a lot smarter than that! I also have one.
They don't forget, they just add it to their repertoire. You have to be careful what you say, do, think. Any sound/noise generated can be repeated, the louder it is the better the probability they will remember it. Smoke alarms are an excellent example.
btw, they love chicken, especially the breast. of these things is not like the others. Why would you be doing that where the bird can hear?
Teach your parrot to say - "Help! They turned me into a parrot!". Should work as a good distraction.
Brings new meaning to "Polly wants a Cracker"
Isn't me, have a seed Let me clip your dirty wings Let me take a ride, cut yourself Want some help, please myself
Do you know what that song is about? It's quite ****** up how it actually relates to the FML.
20, I wrote it because it was under Pleonasm's #9 comment about "Polly wants a cracker". (Relevant to me) Dang some of my comments seem to tick you off often. This isn't the first time you bitched about them. Relax, It's all good fun and how my mind works when I read some of the FMLs and comments. :P
Twisted like a Transistor, RPS?:P Well, "Hey you, hey you Finally you get it The world ain't fair Eat you if you let it"
You let your parrot see/hear those things? I couldn't do it with an audience. Again, you should get a gag.
I don't think I could keep my compass pointed north with a parrot in the must have a very accommodating boyfriend