By dumpeople - 13/06/2018 20:13

Today, I went into a public bathroom to wash my hands, only to be met with a woman fixing her hair, who promptly slapped me for sneaking into the ladies room. I was in the right bathroom, which she realized after seeing the urinals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 911
You deserved it 329

FFAce tells us more.

FFAce 11

Nah it's against my morals I was raised never to hit a girl and I've never hit one so far and don't plan to break that record

Top comments


Why just stop at slapping her back? Why not slap her, take her purse, get her home address, drive there, do a little steakout, take her family hostage and then slap all of them including the family dog?

julfunky 29

Because slapping a dog is just sick.

Or just skip all that and go right to the steak.