
By anonymous - 19/10/2009 19:16 - United States

Today, I drove 100 miles from my parents' house to mine. I had only a few miles left when I realized I really had to pee. I didn't want to pull over somewhere when I was so close to home, so I sped up. A cop pulled me over a block from my house. I started to sob, and ended up peeing myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 261
You deserved it 15 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't have a mother. I was mechanically formed by using tiny tweezers to piece together bits and pieces of DNA from 836 random people, and incubated in an ostrich egg. I clawed my way out at the age of 2, and was nursed to life on the teat of a huge motherfucking brown bear in the Arctic. Hence my webbed feet.

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

Seriously, maybe it's you Nazooer, who has some growing up to do. It's kind of allmidnighteye's thing to reply to comments and say something funny. You'd notice that if you actually bothered to read the comments that you feel the need to put yourself above. Those sexist women jokes were funny the first three times, but now it's just stupid. It's all been said and done. Before you start screaming out different insults, get some new material. I'm sure a moron like you could do it. Then again, maybe not. There's no such thing as a "true" or "correct" opinion. That's why it's an opinion, not a fact. Everyone's entitled to one. but enforcing it makes you seem like a loser. By the way, if you want to play with words and say, "Okay. I'm a douche meaning I'm a ****** cleaner," please find the knowledge to find out that "fag" originally meant cigarette before we gave it a new meaning. The new meaning being homosexual. Go ahead, lash out at me, use all your words, but you're the one who fails. Grow up. Move out of your mom's house. Get a job. Thanks. :D


That really stinks! For the officer too!

This is why woman shouldn't drive. I mean if you can't even take being pulled over..

I don't get it? i am #8, learn to read please.

@nazooer - She was saying there's no need to be a cockbag and reply to the first comment just to have people see the ignorance and idiocy you can spew from your keyboard. Apparently, being #8 is too low and unseen on the comment section for you. if you're gonna do that, at least use the correct form of the word. It's women, not woman. Dumbfuck. GTFO. kthnxbai

Oh well, because if i didn't someone else would have, which would have caused a massive chain of comments above mine, and mine wouldn't be seen anyway. I really don't see the harm in replying to the first comment, or saying "first". I mean jeez if you can't handle it then don't come to this website. Oh and by the way, "dumbfuck" isn't a word. You fail at life.

You fail harder for so desperately wanting people to read your opinion on something, that you replied to the first comment with it on the comment section of a site where people post stories of their lives.

You fail even harder if you have to argue with me just because you're jealous that you couldn't reply to the first comment before me.

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@nazooer: Jealous? Awwww, poor baby thinks I'm jealous of his douche level being higher than that of someone with a lifted truck and decked out in Affliction, Tapout, and various Ed Hardy clothes! How cute! @Taryn: I dunno, but it's fun :]

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Go find proof of that, then. If you can, I'll retract my statement. You've pretty much lost all credibility you had remaining (if you had any to begin with) by using a sexual orientation as an attempted insult. According to you, "fag" has some sort of derogatory meaning behind it, so I'm gonna go ahead and assume that a "nazooer" is an ignorant, self-absorbed, close-minded douche who values his opinion to be infinitely more valuable than the opinions of anyone else. You're such a nazooer. Have a good day :]

You're one to talk. So i'm a "douche"? I had no idea i was a ****** cleaner.

Yes, and in fact your moms ****** was the first one i've ever cleaned. It took me months but i finally got the job done. By the way, she's got crabs. And does she ever shower?

I don't have a mother. I was mechanically formed by using tiny tweezers to piece together bits and pieces of DNA from 836 random people, and incubated in an ostrich egg. I clawed my way out at the age of 2, and was nursed to life on the teat of a huge motherfucking brown bear in the Arctic. Hence my webbed feet.

Wow dude, you're funny! you must have a lot of friends, huh? Oh wait no I forgot you're a reject who sits on his computer all day in his mothers basement, arguing on FML because he has nothing better to do.

What? Sorry i don;t understand geek-speak. Oops, a typo! ^ See, right there, just pointing it out cuz i know you're going to comment on it

Stop being such a nazooer. lol thats fun to say!

ISellHerbs 0

Nazooer is just some kid who tried to make a lame sexist joke that wasn't funny and allmidnighteyes has nothing better to do than argue with him. Both of you grow up.

Wow, dude! you're even cooler than this guy im arguing with! NOT... Are you two related? perhaps inbreds?

@ isellherbs : Why don't you just stay out of it, loser? And by the way, it wasn't a "joke" it was the truth.

ISellHerbs 0

Loser? Grow up. You made a lame sexist joke. Get over yourself and move on.

Like i said, it wasn't a joke, it was my opinion. Get a life.

ISellHerbs 0

"@ isellherbs : Why don't you just stay out of it, loser? And by the way, it wasn't a "joke" it was the truth. #38 - On 10/19/2009 at 6:37pm by nazooer - reply Send a private message" You said truth, not opinion. You lose. And "Get a life" is far overdone.

Hate to tell ya, but my opinion is truth ;D

You know how in IQ tests one people wont really make a difference if they score to low, nazooer you seem so stupid, you make that difference. By yourself, you could drop the IQ of whatever country your form but 20, maybe even 30!

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

Seriously, maybe it's you Nazooer, who has some growing up to do. It's kind of allmidnighteye's thing to reply to comments and say something funny. You'd notice that if you actually bothered to read the comments that you feel the need to put yourself above. Those sexist women jokes were funny the first three times, but now it's just stupid. It's all been said and done. Before you start screaming out different insults, get some new material. I'm sure a moron like you could do it. Then again, maybe not. There's no such thing as a "true" or "correct" opinion. That's why it's an opinion, not a fact. Everyone's entitled to one. but enforcing it makes you seem like a loser. By the way, if you want to play with words and say, "Okay. I'm a douche meaning I'm a ****** cleaner," please find the knowledge to find out that "fag" originally meant cigarette before we gave it a new meaning. The new meaning being homosexual. Go ahead, lash out at me, use all your words, but you're the one who fails. Grow up. Move out of your mom's house. Get a job. Thanks. :D

Jeez, there's so much flame here it's like World War III, except every soldier is dual-wielding flamethrowers. Guys, don't hate, appreciate! And try to get back on topic. We don't need half the comments to involve nazooer's stupidity and replying to the first comment. Now stop before this "reply" board makes the comments board look like a reply board.

shut the **** up sounds like you have anger managment issues

quarty165 0

seriously, just stop. everyone just thinks you're a loser.

Lol it's funny that all this started because i... *dramatic music* REPLIED TO THE FIRST COMMENT!!! OMG ITS A HORRIBLE CRIME

Thespade_fml 0

This is why women shouldn't drive till there 21 and there should be some sort of fine for crying when a cops pulls them over. Ydi for speeding and not being able to control your bladder. Pull over if it is so bad you are going to pee yourself.

What a ridiculously pointless argument. Both of you suck. One of you can't take a joke - on FML, for God's sake - and the other tries too hard to be a keyboard badass. Now that I think about it, that sounds equally like the two of you retards. No one has been impressed by your smartassery. It's a waste of freaking space. STFUASAFP.

You're kidding, right? The terms "****" and "fag" are inherently derogatory! Obviously you're not really calling someone a ****** or a gay person; those have neutral connotations. But using these slang terms as insults validates the point that women and gay people are somehow inferior to men and heterosexuals.

When did I call him a ****? Maybe you aren't saying I did, but I've been up 18 hours now, so I don't care. He's not worth picking apart like that.

I also love how this still went on for so long after I left and decided it wasn't worth any more of my time. edit: **** it, I'm not gonna take the time to reply to everything.

mollyloves 0
MiniatureMayhem 0

YDI for not pulling over. Really?

Darksect0r13 0

Yeah you should have pulled over to use the bathroom :/

YDI for numerous things you didn't pull over you were speeding you cried. Really? Why was that necessary?

Sun_Kissed18 25

Did he let you off out of pity? Cuz that's quite sad...