By Alec - 10/12/2012 07:01 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a great girl; we went out to dinner and saw a movie. After the movie, we went out to my car to find out that a homeless man had broken the window, climbed into it, and was eating the leftover pasta with his fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 794
You deserved it 1 920

Same thing different taste


challan 19

F his life, OP. You have insurance, I hope, and it will be fixed. Besides...You guys have a great first date sorry to tell your grandkids!

So, you think that the fact that he's homeless justifies breaking the law? In that case, I need to out on the street right not and start mugging everyone I see!

He had no choice. It was too bad he broke the window though. :/ Don't worry, he got fed. And it's just pasta!

Why does everyone seem to think that it's okay that the homeless guy did this? Being homeless is not an excuse to damage property.

Hey look at the bright side. You met a great girl! And the homeless guy will be a great story to laugh about later :)

I'm willing to bet that not one of you people "sympathizing" with the homeless criminal gives homeless people change when you see them. The comments here are disgusting.

This was supposed to be a reply. Removed

For everyone making an excuse for this guy, saying things like, "he needed the meal more." 1) that's one heck of an expensive give out. Fixing his car will be expensive... Even with insurance. 2) that's never an excuse to ruin property. 3) maybe the OP was broke and also needed the meal. That homeless man has many places to go to to eat, he just chose to be a lazy and irresponsible human being.

RedPillSucks 31

Actually, most insurance will pay fully for replacing a broken window. Especially if it's due to vandalism. I agree with the rest of your comment though. There's no excuse for breaking into someones car.

cradle6 13

Thank you 51. Only person that makes sense on this FML. Breaking and entering is bad people.

Thank you, Awsumuzzie, for saying what I was thinking. There is absolutely no excuse for breaking into someone's car and stealing ANYTHING. It is still breaking and entering. I wonder if everyone would feel the same if the homeless man had broken into the OP's home and raided his fridge? It's the same thing. The OP is not responsible for the care and feeding of some random dirtbag who busted into his car but he is now stuck with the cost of car repairs.

alwaysbored13 14

Why is everyone going so easy on the homeless man? Sure he has huge problems to deal with but he still ruined OP's date, car and day. Car windows aren't too cheap either. He could have always asked for food ...

All I could think reading this was homeless orgy. If you didn't see The Other Guys(I think), then I imagine this comment would disturb you.