By thatgirl - 10/10/2011 07:16 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a respectable, successful, polite, and attractive guy. Ten minutes into the conversation, I find out he's a neo-Nazi and earned a swastika tattoo in prison for "something shady." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 108
You deserved it 3 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RabidBunny 10

He got it for correcting someone's grammar...

It's appalling to see that Nazism still exists. I know this may come across as ignorant, but what's even the point in maintaining a belief in Nazism in this day and age?


Illyssa_fml 4

haha that just reminds me of that steven lynch song.. "I think you're a nazi" You should've told him your parents are black haha

SteelCladAngel 0

He could have gotten it after beating a non-caucasian prisoner so he could be under the protection of the Aryan brotherhood and didn't want to say 'i only did this to survive' Which looks "better"? 'I was the bitch so I didn't die' Or 'I did some "shady" things while in prison because I'm a badass'

He is lying to you, because he doesn't like you bro

Yarrachel 16

"SHABBAT SHALOM, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *shoots Nazis*