By PoorCar - 20/09/2009 15:07 - United States
Same thing different taste
By JerseyGirl - 04/09/2009 16:52 - United States
Sticky situation
By AloneAtPerkins - 26/11/2020 03:58 - United States - West Bend
By stolen-car - 26/06/2012 02:55 - United States - Columbia
Stop! Thief!
By kellthryn - 17/03/2020 23:00
By Unhappymothersday - 17/05/2012 20:41 - United States - Raleigh
By carless - 15/08/2010 02:25 - United States
By smileytheface - 06/12/2011 03:54 - United States
Oddly specific thief
By Anonymous - 13/04/2020 14:00
By bummer - 25/11/2009 00:44 - United States
By Username - 18/10/2010 15:52 - France
Top comments
Sad face emoticon. SUX BRAH.
wait so your car got stolen and you get it back, this is an FML? Its awesome they didn't know how to drive stick!
The engine is blow out DUHH.
Maybe he has a swapped engine/not stock engine, and insurance won't cover it because of that.
it's still gonna cost a lot of money to replace the engine and now they have to make an insurance claim which sucks, the engine is the most expensive component of a car. true they found it but still FYL OP. why would the person bother to try and drive it if they knew they couldn't. all they did was blow out the engine!
Engines are expensive. The fact the OP's car was stolen in the first place is an FML. YEAH.
Ahhh, that's AWESOME! You don't hear that kind of story nowadays about grand theft auto.
I live in dc
well lucky you it didn't go any further
What relevance does being female have?
Oh, that's hilarious. One of the best FML's i've read in a long time.
Why cant americans learn to drive like real men/women? Get a ******* manual, its the only way to drive.
I concur.
As do I
I have no idea where the **** ur from but it probably just pissed because you don't live in the greatest country on earth. America is an amazing country started by rebels and kept going by amazing minds so excuse me if there are a couple of idiots or fattys in my amazing country but you are no better than amy of those dipshits.
I havent known someone who drives a stick shift in anwhile...
I drive a manual and my dad has an automatic. The manual is far better, I save a lot of gas and have more control over it. Oh and I save a lot of break (i can't remember the word you use...) because I can simply reduce the gear and it reduces speed too.
no i guess not, just my country founded your country of rebels, who disowned us, became independent, then came to us to help fight your stupid wars. you're all British at heart, stop cowering behind your fat. Manual cars are far superior.
@37: Hey, captain wrapped-in-the-flag: Shut it. It's amazing that people like you wonder why people hate our country and then proclaim that all non-americans are idiots. First part of trying to improve anything is to recognize that it has problems.
That was WWI. The United States fought in almost all of WWII in both theaters.
i'm from america, and america owns britain hands down, stick shift is nice although my car is automatic, and i have yet to learn to drive stick, i will learn though =P. anyways Canada ftw though, the people there are cool, im in french IV. and Canada is just pretty cool.
"america owns britain hands down" I think not.
I concur. Canada ftw. The only country that doesn't like us is america. Everywhere else they prefer us
@ 43 - brake pads?
das ist mir auch passiert. sorry. couldn't resist!
Manual is the best way to go. I drive one and my whole family drives one. It's more fun and more economical. Automatic cars are boring and just put me to sleep... And dude, i'm from America, and we're not all fat. I've been stuck around 120 pounds for the past 5 years and i'm 20. And we're not all ignorant douchebags like we're made out to be... I personally don't think that America is "the greatest country on Earth", saying that is just plain ignorant. In some ways it's better than others, and in other ways it's worse then others. Look, I like America, but i'm not one of those people that gets a hard-on every time someone mentions it. And this is my first time replying to someone elses post so I hope I pressed the right reply button.
I think the people who know nothing about history should at least watch 'Eddie Izard: Dressed to kill' that helps explain the American/Britain situation a tad better. Hehe, Britain is waiting for America and throws pots and pans at the enemies 'where the bloody hell is America?!'
Damnit cant cancel a messed reply lol
I love manual. Every car I ever get will be manual. pulse and glide, engine off gliding, powershifting, enginebraking, the gas pedal responding instantly.(In an automatic if you slam it down too hard it will do nothing for a few seconds while it downshifts.) I love the freedom of control it allows. If you don't drive stick look up hypermiling. With the exception of some hybrides it can't be done in an automatic but it can more than double your gas mileage with no ill effects to your car when done right you also feel like a badass when doing it. On top of this if you ever brag about how fast your car is to someone who knows their stuff you'll get made fun of if you got a sports car auttomatic haha. Sorry for my preaching just want to convert some people to the ways of being a true driver :3
Automatic cars today don't consume anymore gas than manual ones.
how the **** is it a FML?? ok so the engine is broken, u can get who ever stole the car in the first place to fix it for u, and if they dont, press charges on them so tht the police takes care of it!! u get insurance money if u have tht plan!! dude chill and think of it as a fortunate thing not a FML!!
yeah, as I'm sure the car thieves bailed, but left a note reading "sorry I blew your engine and tried to steal your car, here's my insurance details so you can charge it to me and then have me arrested." But the guys insurance should cover it regardless, assuming it was insured, and under the right policy. done this possibly twice as fml kept removing and unremoving my comment.
#6, Pretty sure this IS an FML, and a funny one at that, which is what these are SUPPOSED to be. I wouldn't want someone to have stolen my car, and I'd be upset if the engine was blown. Some people just don't have such great insurance, y'know? OP - Note to self: To avoid successful car theft, drive a stick. Vrrrrrrrroooooooom! (sucks for you, but you have to admit it's pretty funny. ^_^ ) Shadenfreude ftw
you dont fix a blown engine, you have to change it. This is a fml.
I see where #6 is coming from, but it still is an FML. You report the car stolen to the police, they find the guy, he pays for a brand new engine for you. It sucks that you're out a car for a while but you get free repairs once they find the guy.
I love the whole "stick shift" term Americans throw around makes me chuckle. over here, UK, it's called manual as oppossed to automatic and manual is the norm here and much better than auto far more control and far more fun! Look on the brightside at least you still have you car you can fix it with insurance!
+1 on that, manual FTW :P Besides, those thieves must've been complete morons, the engine would roar like some kind of alien from Doom or smthn, if they didn't get smthn's wrong, my guess - they needed the car to get back to their retard colony. On the other hand, the clutch would've burned down way before the engine blew imo, so either it's a fake or you dunno what exactly is broken.
We call it manual in America too... Stick shift is just another name or slang term for it... Just like shopping carts are called "trolley" or "buggy". :p Right?
Manual in traffic + lazy person = stick it in 2nd or 3rd and don't shift. Easy peasy
Some people still call it manual in the US especially when talking about the specs of a car
LMFAO ohh man that sucks! what car was it?

Manual is the best way to go. I drive one and my whole family drives one. It's more fun and more economical. Automatic cars are boring and just put me to sleep... And dude, i'm from America, and we're not all fat. I've been stuck around 120 pounds for the past 5 years and i'm 20. And we're not all ignorant douchebags like we're made out to be... I personally don't think that America is "the greatest country on Earth", saying that is just plain ignorant. In some ways it's better than others, and in other ways it's worse then others. Look, I like America, but i'm not one of those people that gets a hard-on every time someone mentions it. And this is my first time replying to someone elses post so I hope I pressed the right reply button.
Sad face emoticon. SUX BRAH.