By Anonymous - 03/09/2012 17:16 - United States - Pensacola

Today, I went out clubbing with a few friends. A cute guy pointed at me from the bar and motioned for me to come over. I was excited and did just that. Turns out he just wanted to ask me if I'd thought about seeing a doctor for my jaundice. No, I just overdid my spray tan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 384
You deserved it 33 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Schizomaniac 24

I predict a large number of comments about Snooki. Commence.

If you used any spray tan at all, you used too much.


Why not just tell him you overdid the spray tan and then laugh it off?

SlayerElite 1

then she couldn't post this FML. Its like when you watch a movie and your like " just shoot the mother ******!" but then if he did the movie would be over and nothing else would happen.

Bonzer 2

If you want a tan, go to the beach. P.S. I don't want a million "she could get sun cancer" comments. Its annoying.


she could get suu... must resist the urge.

amandajlucas2015 2

It's not sun cancer it's skin cancer

Exactly dumbass "skin cancer" get it right

She has a higher chance of getting cancer from spray tan actually....

JOcoco 14

64 - How? If that's true then my health teacher lied to me. Why Mrs. May?! Why did you lie!

hopsinlove17 26

64- once again, it's beet juice.

Why can't people just be happy with their natural skin? Spray tans (usually) look bad and tanning is dangerous, so what's the point of doing either?

You should try one of those self-tanning lotions that gradually color your skin instead of spray tan.

That makes you streak and look different colors. My friend used it

It just depends on the kind you use. It shouldn't do that if it's a gradual self-tanner, as opposed to an instant bronzing lotion. You hopefully wouldn't repeatedly screw up and streak the same spot every time you use it, so it would just blend into nothing :)

If you don't apply it exactly evenly you can end up very streaky

127: Kind of like human bacon? Mmm bacon-ladies.

loserboii 11

You overdid spray tan? Is your name Snooki?

perdix 29

Move to China. You'll fit right in.

I count that comment as crossing the line.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

I figure it was an at home cheap spray tan. All the professional ones I've seen and had where a good color and never streak. You get what you pay for.