By Anonymous - 03/09/2012 17:16 - United States - Pensacola

Today, I went out clubbing with a few friends. A cute guy pointed at me from the bar and motioned for me to come over. I was excited and did just that. Turns out he just wanted to ask me if I'd thought about seeing a doctor for my jaundice. No, I just overdid my spray tan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 384
You deserved it 33 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Schizomaniac 24

I predict a large number of comments about Snooki. Commence.

If you used any spray tan at all, you used too much.


I'm not a tanner, but if I had to pick between a spray tan and baking my skin in a sun bed I'll pick the option that easily comes off in the shower versus the option that may make me look like a leather bag later in life. It's both a YDI for overdoing the spray tan and FYL because at least a spray tan is more responsible than tanning the shit out of yourself in a sun bed! At least next time you use a spray tan you can pick a lighter tone for your skin.

Blooblibloo 4

So a guy makes you sign to come and you just go there? If a guy is interested and decent, he'll be the one coming to you instead of ordering you to come to him.

You can always visit MOTHERFUCKIN' DJAIS! You gotta be smiling, you gotta be dancing, you gotta be SHAKING THAT ASS!!!!

Spray tanning is HORRIBLE for your body and looks awful. If you really want a tan then get your lazy ass into the sun. I got one from doing my regular walks a few times a week for about an hour. You could easily get one laying in the sun at a beach or in the back yard.

Well.. considering the fact that suntanning could potentially cause melanoma, I guess spray tanning is a safer option. But YDI nonetheless for overdoing..

Did you know that there is a giant ball of free tanning spray in the sky that DOESN'T make you hideous looking every time?

unlucky90 4

Seriously, any type of fake bake is absolutely pathetic, get skin cancer the real way..pussy

Typical Jersey Shore (c) wannabes these days... you got exactly what you deserved. I'm sure its blatantly obvious by now.

Better to be cute and pale, than to look like an overgrown oompa loompa

itsthisbitch 1

Spray tans look trashy anyways just don't do it, it's not cute