By ugh - 14/08/2012 16:52 - United States

Today, I went out to dinner with my boyfriend and his mom. The hostess asked if I needed "the kid's menu," remarked how I look "so grown up for your age," and asked what grade I was in. I said I'm in university. She laughed as if it was the best joke ever told. I'm 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 759
You deserved it 2 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ByronJess 17

Just think, when you're ninety you won't look a day past thirty! :)

That's sort of a good thing to look young;)


rebeccac3 5

Sounds to me like she was tryin to make u look bad in front of your man

jadedtiger 4

I went the gas station for smokes with my son who's 22 he called me mom several times and I still got carded for smokes. The bad this is he didn't

Better to look younger than older. Every now and then, when people ask how old I am, they think I am late 20s to early/mid 30s when I am just about to turn 25. It sucks feeling older than I am sometimes lol.

I get mistaken for an 11 year old and i'm 14..not much of a difference but it's pretty ridiculous.

hateevryone 14

Im 21 & I still get mistaken for a teenager. I know exactly how you feel.

technochik3 12
kiraleann 16

God, I know how it is, people act overly dramatic when they find out that I'm 20 because apparently I look like I'm fourteen. But at least we'll look good when we get older.

I feel your pain. I'm almost 30 and I still get asked what high school I go too.

TcheQ 12

Hey don't feel bad about looking young, I sure as hell don't. I'm at the point where I'm considering lying about my age since no one believes me anyway, and I'm not really interested at all in things other people my age are :P (I can easily get away with 7 or 8 years). Forever immortal! ^_^