By ugh - 14/08/2012 16:52 - United States

Today, I went out to dinner with my boyfriend and his mom. The hostess asked if I needed "the kid's menu," remarked how I look "so grown up for your age," and asked what grade I was in. I said I'm in university. She laughed as if it was the best joke ever told. I'm 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 768
You deserved it 2 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ByronJess 17

Just think, when you're ninety you won't look a day past thirty! :)

That's sort of a good thing to look young;)


No tip for that bitch. You get the last laugh.

I'm always mistaken for being younger, I went to the cinema with friends to see a film that was a fifteen. They asked me for ID, I'm eighteen. I wish I looked my age.

do something about your image, dude... grow a beard or something.

This happens to me all the time. I'm 21 and people think I'm 12 or 13! Haha

coolbrony12 3

Tell the manager and get that douche fired!

sgtcxelite 11

I get the same thing... But it's not as bad for me. They think I'm 8 or 9 when I'm almost 16. But on the bright side, when everyone else looks old we'll still look half our age.

sgtcxelite 11

If you want to look older, dress more maturely. That's probably what threw her off. Maybe you had simple clothes on? No/little make up? (No offense with this one) Flat chested or wearing a baggy shirt that hid your chest?

Honestly we have people come in to my place of work (very busy burger joint) during our rush hours and I've seen other host:hostess make the same mistake. She was probably just a bitch though

kayellegee30 0

OP that's a total bitch move on the hostess' part, clearly wanting to hit on you boyfriend. On the bright side though good genetics an healthy living keep you looking your best and people (hostess') are probably jealous! I'm 30 and got ID'd for a piercing, for which in Canada you need to be over 16.