By ugh - 14/08/2012 16:52 - United States

Today, I went out to dinner with my boyfriend and his mom. The hostess asked if I needed "the kid's menu," remarked how I look "so grown up for your age," and asked what grade I was in. I said I'm in university. She laughed as if it was the best joke ever told. I'm 22. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 759
You deserved it 2 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ByronJess 17

Just think, when you're ninety you won't look a day past thirty! :)

That's sort of a good thing to look young;)


Cassandrax731 5

I'm 17, but constantly get mistaken for a 12-13 year old. Hell, I bet I could pass for 10! But hey, kids get in cheaper at the amusement parks and stuff so less $ coming out of my wallet right?

Cassandrax731 5

You should've been all sassy and said, "Actually I'm 22, but leave the crayons anyway." *snaps*

The same thing always happens to my cousin

wyldefyre 5
Xxlaurahatakexx 9

Honestly, I'd get pretty pissed if that happened to me. But hey you have a boyfriend that loves you, just the way you are, and you still won't age quickly. Think about it: you'll be the 50 year old everyone can't believe is a day over 25.

MatthewDmerrill 5

At least he didn't ask if you wanted the senior menu.

Ooohh.. I feel your pain! Everyone thinks i'm ten and i'm 17. It's the worst!

I understand what your talking about, i'm 17 and people think i'm anywhere from 11-13. Good news is my moms almost 50 and people think she's anywhere from 35-40, so there is as good part of it a well.