By whatever - 09/08/2009 20:12 - United States

Today, I went out with my ex-boyfriend on a date. The night consisted of me sitting in the back seat of his friend's truck while they drove around to pick up things for the party they were going to have that same night. After they picked everything up, he asked where I wanted to get dropped off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 901
You deserved it 27 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a feeling that only one side thought that this night was a date.


umm...why did you go on a DATE with your EX? Your not supposed to date ex's! lol :)

cucumberfabulous 7

Now you know why he is your EX.....right? =)

piddly_03 0

...and thats why you dont date ex's. and on a side note, its not really that big of a deal. so you didnt get invited to one party. who gives a shit.

I think this FML flew over your head. She doesn't care about the party. She cares that this so-called "date" they went on, was her just being a third-wheel...

yes hes a douche, but a DATE with your ex?!?!?! wtf

Maybe you should have offered to pull the train.

um... don't know why everyone is getting so worked up about going on a date with an ex, who ******* cares? date whoever you want, woman. that being said, i'm sorry. sucks that you were looking forward to some alone time and maybe reconnecting and he had to be a douche about it. i guess at least it helped you figure out he's not worth it

why did u go out with him again if he's your ex?

YDI for going on a date with your ex.

Lol, if she had said just plain boyfriend everyone would be wondering why you were still going out with him.

theoldGP 0

#22 is right. this is ambiguous. she could have just broken up with him - as in they were "going out" before... or she could have tried to rekindle things with an ex. honestly, i don't understand which way it is supposed to be. YDI for A) thinking it was a date or B) going out on a "date" with an ex

i hate to break it to you... but that is not a date

Jorddaaan 0

i think she understands that

if she understood that then she would not of wrote "today, i went out with my ex boyfriend on a date.."