By annonymous - 28/02/2010 06:31 - France

Today, I went skinny dipping with a few friends at my friend's house. It was really fun until one of my friends shrieked, saying there were bugs in the pool. Everyone jumped out and looked at her. Turns out the "bugs" she saw was my body hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 881
You deserved it 6 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrsUchiha 0

-hands you a razor- I think you'll be needin' this.


aw that's sick for both genders!! don't even go skinny dipping in the first place 

It's not really funny considering noone knows the gender; I assume it's a girl and that's why it's funny, but still...

korn247 5

YDI..., shave every once in a while

dynky 3

your friend is clearly an idiot. Ignore her.

personally i find it gross to skinny dip with ppl of the same gender... skinny dipping should b for two partners, not a bunch of girls

tomahawkinyouall 0

agree with 50 oh, and go shave

1. how big are you hairs.. 2. how do they fall off that much?

OP must be a girl. Would a guy be ashamed of body hair? No guy would say, "Today, people's attention was drawn to my body hair. FML"