By asdfBUTT - 06/03/2012 01:36 - United States
Same thing different taste
By wayne - 07/12/2011 10:28 - New Zealand
By annonymous - 28/02/2010 06:31 - France
By jab43 - 23/07/2011 00:57 - United States
By Username - 05/06/2019 20:00
By Anonymous - 03/08/2015 15:29 - United States
*Baywatch music starts*
By Anonymous - 01/05/2019 12:00
By The_HML - 24/03/2009 02:48 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/11/2010 11:45 - Australia
By Higgs - 02/06/2009 19:10 - United States
Let it all out
By HateCelebz - 26/08/2023 00:02
Top comments
Actually there wouldn't have been any "sucking" at all.
Leeches don't even hurt, and if you let them fall off on their own then you won't get the pain of pulling them off. It is weird to have them hanging off you though.
15 - leeches can carry tons of diseases though, I sure wouldn't be comfortable letting them sit there until they're done...
She sure sounds pretty dumb
Why would you swim in a pond anyways? I mean I get the lake thing but ponds are much disease ew.
Oops, that's embarrassing. On the plus side though, no leeches!
Ahh, but if there were, it wouldn't have been as embarrassing. Sort of a, health vs dignity thing here
I would scream too ! But..You brought it on your self! Why would you swim in a pond?!
a lake! way better then some pond
I know someone's thinking of saying a phrase similar to this so I'm gonna get it out of the way ... "that's a muddy situation.." -_-
Nobody was thinking that.
Oh I'm sure someone is .. I just hate reading "situation" at the end of comments ..
That's a MUDDY situation.
So if I say that's a muddy situation, I'll irritate you AND render your comment utterly and completely pointless? Challenge accepted. That's a muddy situation.
Actually, nomuddy was thinking that. :)
Why was there so much mid in the pool?
There was no mid in any pools. However, there may have been some mud in a pond.
There's too much mid in my sound pool, not enough lows or highs :-/
I read it as pool. My bad. I apologize. Pond makes much more sense. And thanks for pointing out such a common typo. I and U are right next to each other. I'm sure I'm not the only iPhone user her press the wrong letter by mistake. Abyway I rescind my precious comment.
36 Are you trolling? A grammar nazi would twitch uncontrollably reading that last comment!
Life can be a leech sometimes.
7-It just sucks the fun right out of you and takes all your blood from you like some parasite. Well, I find life to be quite enjoyable after overlooking the bad parts.
Trying a little too hard there to be funny
to be expected. usually ponds are pretty nasty
Ya but is it that hard to tell the difference between bugs and mud? Maybe you need glasses?
Even if they were leeches, just leave them on. They drop off after a few minutes anyway.
They can also give you some serious diseases and they don't all fall off in a few minutes. Get one in the perfect spot and it can stay for weeks, one of my grandpa's friends that to go the hospital for it.
You can actually die from many leeches, and you have to burn them off before they can seriously harm you or give you a disease.

sure must have sucked
Oops, that's embarrassing. On the plus side though, no leeches!