By jackgrant - 07/12/2011 01:01 - Iran Islamic Republic of

Today, I went to a concert. Being 6'5" was a great advantage because I could see the stage from wherever I was stood. On the downside, I was used by people as a meeting point. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 376
You deserved it 4 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jpoole 4

Not really that bad, just run around so people get lost.

I'd hate to be the one standing behind you!


Rofl, that also happens to me, just too tall!! ;P

Are you the comedian Stephen Merchant? He talks about this on his stand-up show...

poppylamonzo 0

liar! u just got this from steven merchant's new dvd. cok!

lol, so many short people crying their eyes out.

i'm used as a meeting point to :/ 'i'm next to the chick with bright red hair!!' all the time! haha

means you are special and unique ;)

Your lucky that you're talk I'm only 5'0 and I wouldn't be able to see the concert at all ! I also get lost really easily and am really hard to find !!

So? Does that mess up your life in any way?