By jackgrant - 07/12/2011 01:01 - Iran Islamic Republic of

Today, I went to a concert. Being 6'5" was a great advantage because I could see the stage from wherever I was stood. On the downside, I was used by people as a meeting point. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 376
You deserved it 4 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jpoole 4

Not really that bad, just run around so people get lost.

I'd hate to be the one standing behind you!


hateevryone 14

at least you didn't have trouble seeing.

fernclogger 5

Guy 1: hey dude where are you??? Guy 2: idk let's meet by that really tall guy over there!!! Guy 1: okay!

I'm 6'6" so I feel your pain. I'm also rather heavy, so people use me as meeting point and also make "gravitational pull" jokes. The feeling that I could squash them makes me feel better though. Being big is awesome! :)

You don't know until you try... Im a size dd and my friends say the same "I'd love to have your boobs" sure, try carrying while jogging!

'yeah, dude. We'll just meet by that guy. Yeah, the insanely tall one. No don't tell him he's the meeting point, just kind of... hover.'

Yeah, try being 5th and trying to see round all the giants -.-' Very hard to.

Wow you must live in a short demographic haha... Most of the people I hang around with are about 6"2

Big deal. You going to concerts with a bunch of eighth-graders or something. Lilliputians maybe? Find something to really whine about next time.