By facefuckedguy - 12/08/2014 21:23 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I went to a job interview, and a guy ahead of me went to enter the building, only to walk face-first into a glass door. I rushed to help him up, and after we had a good laugh about it, I turned to walk inside, only to walk straight into the door as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 168
You deserved it 10 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now your interviewers are going to see the black eyes on both of their candidates and come to the only logical conclusion: start a fight club.

Poor thing! Hey, on the bright side, you get another laugh out if it.


have done similar things myself. makes me wonder why i even bother to get up in the mornings.

Did you have another good laugh or a klutzy good Samaritin of your own to continue the chain?

Lmao well at least you guys had a good laugh about it.

Chiroptera_Man 10

Did he rush to help you back? :)

The windex is strong this these janitors.

I did something similar once! I was in a new building helping set up the front lobby, and all the windows and the door were glass and the same height. I mistook a window for the door because it was so clear. it hurts but its good that you and the other man could laugh it off, OP!! hope your interview went well!