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By yeyt209 - 10/06/2012 07:46 - United States - Bismarck

Today, I passed out in my car in a McDonald's parking lot. I got woken up by a cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 594
You deserved it 10 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's what you get for either: A: Being drunk or B: Eating that crap. Could have been worse, you could have been woken up by a clown.


Well, that's what you get for either: A: Being drunk or B: Eating that crap. Could have been worse, you could have been woken up by a clown.

reddudeover 2

1 - This FML does need more information, but that's a false dichotomy those definitely aren't the only two choices.

reddudeover 2

27 - Quick call Chris Hansen. He could have been there to pick up someone and was tired because he worked all day and it was late. There are many reasons 1 just assumes the worst.

Yumm.! Some pink slime aka chicken nuggets(:

notyobabymomma 4

Pink slime is in burger meat

Ninjasaurus18 9

33- Pink slime is in beef. But yeah, their chicken nuggets are made of basically the whole chicken without the breast. The breast meat is used for their chicken strips and McBites. It's McNasty.

midnightxloner 1

75 - Actually while I worked there for only a short time, I found out that the chicken nuggets are made off of the fat of old hen breasts.

#2 Maybe the cop saw a guy passed out in a car and maybe thought he was dead, really passed out, maybe drunk or drugged, and wouldn't be a threat on the road, or just to see if he was all handy dandy.

2 - That's what I'd like to know. I feel like we're missing part of the story here so we can't really say FYL or YDI. I mean, if the cop woke him up and gave him a ticket for loitering or something, that would be FYL. If the cop woke him up to warn him he had gotten sh*tfaced and was choking on his own vomit, it would be YDI. Can we get the end of the story please?

He would have also gotten some form of DUI if he were drunk, maybe just a public intoxication, but to the best of my knowledge it is at LEAST legally frowned upon to be behind the wheel while drunk, even if only to sleep. Leaves too much to speculation as to what MAY have happened beforehand.

LonelyIslander1 5

He probably wanted to share that 20 piece McNugget meal.*winks

I'm pretty sure the cop wanted them to wake up...

43, in Canada you can get in shit for getting beer out of your trunk if u have ur keys on you.. Not too sure about the laws in ND but I bet he got some sort of DUI, assuming he was drinking

43, in Canada you can get in shit for getting beer out of your trunk if u have ur keys on you.. Not too sure about the laws in ND but I bet he got some sort of DUI, assuming he was drinking

Mommyof2_91 10

56.. So what if your trunk is locked? You have to unlock it, put your keys somewhere else, get the beer then get the keys back and lock it. Well that's dumb.

43, in Canada you can get in shit for getting beer out of your trunk if u have ur keys on you.. Not too sure about the laws in ND but I bet he got some sort of DUI, assuming he was drinking

I'm just telling you what the laws are like in Canada.. Most people take there booze out of the car and bring it with them to wherever ur drinking.. If your walkin towards your car with your keys in your hand, theres a potential to hop in the car and drive away.. Kinda stupid I know, but that's whats up here

If your near your car, drunk with keys you can get in shit in Canada.. Maybe not a "DUI" charge.. But u deff get in shit

Or just take all the booze out before you start drinking and bring it with you.. Saves alot of trips to the car.. If u start drinking , there should b absolutely NO reason for you to go to ur car with your keys.. Make sure u bring everything u need out of the car with you

That's not true. In Louisiana being behind the wheel and if the keys are in the vehicle you can get a DUI.

BunBunBabe 8

Actually you can if your keys are less than twelve inches from your ignition too, stupid loop hole

justspin 7

Not that bad. Could had been worse. You could of had been naked or had your hand down your pants too.

This really isn't bad at all. So a cop woke you up. As long as you weren't doing anything bad then this isn't really an FML.

Want some French fries with that, sir?

WHOOPS!!! That's what you deserve if you were drunk...

..."if" being the operative word here. We have no way of knowing the circumstances behind any of this. Some diseases and disorders cause people to pass out. For all we know OP had low blood insulin causing him to pass out. Try not to be judgmental of something you know absolutely nothing about.

Nah I probably just used too much chloroform. My bad, OP.

83 - Yes, but their entire post was making a single assumption with nothing to back it up. Therefor,e it was a completely pointless comment that did nothing but waste space and give people something to thumb down.

A McGangbang is the best thing you will ever put in your mouth.

He wanted to make sure you had a god McDay.

"a god McDay"... Hmm still trying to figure out how this makes sense...

Cop: Excuse me, can I see your papers. Op: I got papers, blunts, bongs, vaporizers...

Can i see your papers? Where did you meet cops, East Berlin?

Little bit sleepy from having a heavy meal, huh? And a cop waking you while you were happy sleeping? Or more like sleepy from a Happy Meal and heavy sleeping? Well, he must've thought you were creepin' around... Or died.

Shouldn't have eaten that 50-piece McNugget all by yourself...

Those McNuggets are so yummy with their Hot Mustard (not honey). Barbecue will never do again! :P