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By teachingsucks - 14/03/2010 18:29 - United States

Today, after a horrible day at school, I went through the McDonald's drive thru for an ice cream cone. Everything went well until I had to pull a sharp turn. The ice cream is now no longer on the cone, but instead all over my hands, face, steering wheel, and the carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 772
You deserved it 25 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i don't understand how going through a sharp turn made it get everywhere. it seems more likely it would just plop in one location rather than explode.

MoonyIce 0

YDI for eating while driving, especially something that can be wrecked so easily.


jasoniskiing 0

good job getting first. hope it's everything you expected it to be

Oh, it's everything I hoped for, and so much more ;)

huh? and everything is bound to go wrong while eating an ice cream and driving. you deserve it because you were probably not paying attention and licking your cone. ;)

jasoniskiing 0

haha good sirin. and this isn't a real FML. it's just you being lame

i moderated this one. OP YDI for going to McDonalds

YDI for trying to eat your feelings!! Next time, go work out or something. Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill their husbands. À la Elle Woods :)

sirim arent you goin to get moderated for putting first??

Ajjas013 6

I knew Sirin was single :( Your new picture also reminds me of your old one which reminds me that I left my microwave on. BRB :)

PsychoMerk 0

Sirin IS the moderator >_> she abuses the power!!!!! Dx but yeah... those soft-serves make me happy to be alive :') I had one yesterday :p Now, I shall go buy another.

1. YDI for doing anything while driving. 2. Shit happens. Live with it. This is an everyday situation, not an FML.

KurouTenshi 0

Screw you, #34. McD's is good for staying regular. anything but the soft serve is well know for making you take an epic McDump. I guarentee you it will hurt, but that's how you know it worked.

blaaaaakely 0

hahahahahaha at McDump. so much win!

Holy, ReyEr. So negative on this site. FML is for abecdotes, funny things that happen that mess up someone's day. I swear, you might die of heart attack or something.

livluvlaff8 0
marleytooyou 0

ydi for going to mcdonalds fatass!!!

mcdonalds has pretty much amazing soft serve plus it's a dollar! haha it's fantastc

KurouTenshi 0

@64 YDI for assuming everyone tht eats at McDonalds is a fatass and/or assuming that eating McDonalds makes you a fatass. eating there is step 1. step 2 is poor diet, exercise, and/or genetics. don't be a hater. be a bater.

don't see how one single Ice cream cone gets a huge mess on your hands, face, steering wheel, and carpet. must've had one big ass cone

yzaldana 0
o_OrawrO_o 0

YDI for posting this on FML and expecting sympathy . "Today, I bought an ice cream cone. It fell. Now I wasted a WHOLE dollar. FML." lol , OP is an idiot .

80- their salads have sugar in them, not a normal salad? but yah nothing wrong with going to McD's, where I live, I rarely see fat people in there

88- if you knew to read the whole FML you wouldve found it got all over their car apparently too, definatly worth an FML

78euge781995 0

Maybe they're not fat but McD is known for making people fatasses.

at jason... if thats u in the pic... u are hhhooott!

imdeborah 0

#71, I have to agree, you're totally right. people get soo judgemental when it comes to McD's. it's not like OP said they eat it daily. #88, is for entertainment, not sympathy. i think OP KNOWS that they won't get a ton of sympathy for this.

nomnommonster 0

@64, People who eat at McDonald's are really "fatasses". For example, JR Celski. He most definitely is NOT a "fatass". Way to generalize :I

@ Sirin 2 Firsts in less than a month, careful or we are going to start to think that you also do not have a life...

I admit it readily: I have no life. Now hush, Hush, and take this invite to Snickerdoodles' and I's wedding. You can be the best man, and recite a very, very grammatically correct speech.

wow Marley you are such a bitch all it is from you is calling others names and judging them and you wonder why people don't like you? I think your fake anyway, op you should of been more careful.

i agree with cristall watever marley is prolly a huge mcdonalds addict and disgustingly obese

I admit that my standards for an FML are higher than most. But I was expecting this one to end like "I was so busy eating my delicious ice cream that I crashed the car. A little girl then ran up, kicked me in the balls, and took my ice cream. FML"

nomnommonster 0

For my earlier post, I meant aren't. Ugh, I feel like such a failure.

gigi_bella 0

Marley-- You're just like my sister. I say I'm going to McDonalds, and she always tells me how I'm going to become fat. One McDonald's meal every few months will not kill you, however, eating it for dinner every night will. I'm feeding a troll. Silly me.

rightwrite528 0

He was already having a bad day. Then he spilt his comfort all over his lap. I'm pretty sure anyone would be pretty pissed off.

BrookeTrueblood 0

Ok, I already said this once, but it looks like I have to say it again. Maybe we should hang a sign around Marley's neck that says 'please don't feed this troll. Many angry women will follow with never-ending insults that will carry on for multiple posts.'

110- 1 time, luck. 2 times, coincidence. 3 times, geek out wait for the third =P

ladykat 0

Oh NOOOO the world is coming to an end!!! FYcarsLIFE!! I'm used to everyone just telling 'woops' stories instead of real FMLs. I guess its good to know that not everyone's life is ******!

For me Sirin? I am so honored, hopefully i can tag along for the bachelorette party also? :D

Felendris 0

YDI for going to FREAKIN MCDONALDS for ICE wonder why they're 40 cents -_-

146- that's why we go there... it's cheap and tastes good, and if you don't eat it every day, you won't get fat, perfect, no?

ladykat 0

Has anyones parents ever sung the McDonalds song to them???? "McDonalds is my kind of place They feed you rattlesnakes There are no parking spaces They'll slap you in the face... That's why their my kind of place!!" My dad used to sing it all the time... on the way to McDonalds. We loved it!

150- song is very inacurrate, never seen a mcdonalds with no parking spots, or serving rattlesnakes

ladykat 0

Yes I know that... but as a kid it was fun. Maybe my dad was just creative and it wasn't an actual song parents sung to thier kids. I don't know...

seriously Marley is a fake xD and a troll

im not really a fan of mcdonalds. but their shakes and salads and ice cream iss pretty amazing. ! i dont really care for anything else on their menu though. but next time op try controlling your icecream when you drive! hehe

I love the Maine!!! (John is my background!)

Now if you had ordered a blizzard from DQ instead, this wouldn't have happened.

am I the only one that finds this fml utterly boring? boo hoo now u have to go change ur clothes."

ramman 0

And now the OP can sue for the ice cream being cold just like the other idiot that spilled the "hot" coffee

179- blizzards are like ******* 4 dollars for 12 oz of ice cream with a little flavor

meowuiiiiifiififiiiimojtabandjdjfjjfuck your life fjfjififjfjrjjrjfnfngkofoeorjieoellfodlfofkgood girls going bad cause cities filled with theem, FML

You just fail. You either suck at driving or just suck at carrying out nominal tasks. Probably both.

complic8d3vil 0
nashnash94 0
ladykat 0

They should have just gone to Wendy's for a frosty. They at least have spoons and lids.

Even if she is fat, which you don't know, at least she is smart enough to be a teacher. You are a dumbass, did you even pass kindergarten? You couldn't tell from the horrible grammar in your profile. It's people like you that stop human kind from advancing.

She can't get another one, the machine is broken (some people will get this)

Wow. You're* a smart poster. Congrats.

ahahahahaha ahahahahaha ahahahahaha ahahahahaha!!!!!! funny!!!!!! not joke fail

YDI for having an ice cream cone in a moving car.

i don't understand how going through a sharp turn made it get everywhere. it seems more likely it would just plop in one location rather than explode.

Emmmmm55 0

true it wouldn't explode lol

ElMetalero 0

I think there should be a label somewhere on the ice cream stating "dont lick and drive, it may cause ice cream to explode and make a mess in your car, here's the website so you can go cry about it if you don't adhere to warnings: (also available for iphones)"

MoonyIce 0

YDI for eating while driving, especially something that can be wrecked so easily.

expen_dable 0

you have to be careful in the McDonalds drive thru, there are lots of raging fat people who will kill for some nuggets. fast food combined with not having to leave your car is a fat persons dream.

Expen_dable, nice one! God knows everyone's been roughed up in the playplaces at Micky-D's by said fat people's spawn!

expen_dable 0

that and all of the poisonous snakes and dirty needles in those ballpits.

Hahahaha don't forget about the occasional hobo found sleeping in the tunnels

SeedlessMe 13

Actually found shit in a ballpit once as a kid.. Haven't been able to go in one since....... Yes, really.

That's probably the second most disgusting thing I've ever heard. And trust me that's saying something FYL ^

Ajjas013 6

Wait, isn't that how you're supposed to eat it?

^^ you remind me of someone. I'll get back to you when I figure out who it is xD

noo. you remind me of this kid I used to babysit! I always gave him candy and stuff. but in the end he started being a creep so she had to find a guy babysitter.

At first I wasn't so sure but the more I think about it, the more I am sure that my young friend is that creepy kid. Only now he has gotten better at it. Heck he hasn't even gotten a restraining order lately.

78euge781995 0
blueeyes24 0

At least it was icecream.... The machine they use is basicly the same kind of machine that they use at every icecream shop. Which makes it about the safest thing you can get there!

I didn't even know mcdonalds had ice cream.

nomnommonster 0

You have been missing out on one of the wonders of life then.