By Anonymous - 02/03/2013 18:59 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a paintball match with a group of friends, one of whom brought his dad along. His dad is a weight-lifting, wannabe alpha male fucknut who thinks that chokeslamming opponents is a legitimate close-quarters paintball tactic. My broken shoulder disagrees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 697
You deserved it 3 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shoot him in his steroid-shrunken balls.

That was an EXTREME amount of adjectives.


Strike back, OP, shoot him in the go-dads and watch him crumple in dad-ly weapon inflicted pain!

Ashton1214 0

Actually it can be assault depending on the state you are in. Laws vary from state to state. For example, in New York there is no battery charge in the penal law. The charge is assault.

Something about the word "fucknut" just makes me giggle every time I read it :)

martin_martian7 11

At least you can't go to another paintball game with him!

@54 this guy lives in the united kingdom tho

fksfsdhfsdfh 26
tjv3 10

It appears that he is not a wanabe alpha male, but is an alpha male

If he lives in the UK ( I can't see that information) then the legal term would be actual bodily harm, unless the bone broke the skin and blood was spilt, then it's called grievous bodily harm.

"My dad can't only kick your dads ass but he can kick your ass too!" Also where I paint ball and airlift anything goes but you aren't out until you're shot. Toughen up sweetheart.

No. Not anything goes. Playing paintball doesn't mean you get to intentionally cause grievous bodily harm to another person.