By Harry - 13/05/2014 22:37 - United States - Milledgeville

Today, I went to a restaurant with my friend, where my credit card got denied in front of everyone. The staff teased me and made me sit in the restaurant while my friend begged for money outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 865
You deserved it 8 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got declined, but your friend has to beg?

So this restaurant lets its staff tease and ridicule in this situation? After being treated like that, I'd be talking to the manager about making the meal free. It's embarrassing enough to get declined; the staff were just being dicks.


What ******* assholes!! I'd be so pissed off!!!

lienabakes 3

You're stupid. You knew you didn't have money to pay! If you didn't, that's just plain ignorance on your part! I bet you didn't even tip your server! She had to work for free because you're irresponsible. You disgust me.

hoppyhoppy 3

Funny how you evoke the same disgust in me. Get over yourself.

#126: you are an inconsiderate prick. there could have been a hundred uncontrollable reasons why his card was declined. it was an accident. you berating him like he intentionally did it on purpose is childish.

I'm sure if you thought there was a problem you would have checked your balance beforehand, I'm sorry that you had to go through that embarrassment. it was very rude of them to make a public spectacle of you and if I were you I would get some kind of retribution or demand an apology because obviously you did not do that on purpose. What they did was deliberate and ignorant! Good luck in the future.

Forget technology, ALWAYS have emergency cash my man... ALWAYS.

CdDude 1

You can sue the staff for teasing you like that.

I'm sorry, but I feel that you deserve it for not bringing money, just in case. And I would have a talk with the manager about the staff.

that be some ****** ass up shit right there

Hey at least your friend didn't leave you there alone! :D

88 because they made op stay inside so they wouldn't just leave,and that left the friend as the one to try to get the money.