By Darth Vomitus - 10/08/2012 18:54 - United States - Mequon

Today, I went to an amusement park with a group of friends, one of whom was a girl I really like. When we got on the roller coaster, I was ecstatic that she wanted to sit next to me. Not even half-way through, I ended up puking all over the both of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 527
You deserved it 5 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you just gave her a ride she won't forget..


I wouldn't worry. After all, it was her, that wanted to sit next to you, so she probably likes you too. If a bit of puke makes that go away, she's not worth it. Besides, it makes a damn good story! :-) Good luck to you!

Unless this is your first time riding a rollercoaster I gott say, I think you might deserve it a little bit...most people know if they're they type who feel ill on rollercoasters or not and are more careful if they do. However, either way I agree, your life sucks...hopefully you can bond over your upcoming cleaning session and find it funny later or something....

Ouch. I know cause I am a girl, if you like someone you can look past all the flaws. Hopefully that happens to you. Good luck

TheyCallMeDamien 17
blackvyper 8

For the love of all that is holy.. man the f**k up!

As someone who is terrified of vomit (emetophobia), I would freak out...but I think I'd still get over it. And if I could, she will!

I hate motion sickness...just hope your not forever alone...for sure an unforgettable night...