By JazzyandAlice - 20/09/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, I went to babysit eight kids under the age of ten, all by myself. After five hours of Hell, the parents finally came back from the ASU game. I got paid $5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 973
You deserved it 7 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you say anything?! Stand up for yourself!

Alister09 0

I would say Hmm...$5 for 8 kids under 10? I think I'll tell everyone that goes to my school that you're cheap and you'll never be able to get a babysitter again!


JodeMiVida 13

You have to talk about money BEFORE you do the job, not complain after.

meherm 11

$5?! Where I live babysitting goes by $15-25 a hour depending on the age and how many kids etc. But $5 that is ridiculous!

This is why you set a price before you do the work

Next time tell them a set fee for how many hours they plan to be out and for over time per hour ahead of time. if they can't do it then don't babysit. make sure you have a witness too like your parents to the phone call or through email. that way they can't back out.

Camerone453 14

You should've worked out payment ahead of time

Unless you did a terrible job that's beyond ridiculous. I usually charge 5$ per kid per hour. And that's considered reasonable where I am.