By JazzyandAlice - 20/09/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, I went to babysit eight kids under the age of ten, all by myself. After five hours of Hell, the parents finally came back from the ASU game. I got paid $5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 965
You deserved it 7 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you say anything?! Stand up for yourself!

Alister09 0

I would say Hmm...$5 for 8 kids under 10? I think I'll tell everyone that goes to my school that you're cheap and you'll never be able to get a babysitter again!


Call them up and ask "When is a good time for me to come over and pick up the rest of my pay? I'm sure you were out of cash after the game, but I do have a bill due/event coming up/gift to buy and I was planning to use the money from babysitting on Saturday to pay for it." And next time, negotiate a fee up front. If they can afford to go to an ASU game, they can afford to pay you a fair wage. Also, bring a friend to help you with the brats...I mean angels!

In future, SPECIFY YOUR HOURLY RATE FIRST, for each full hour, or part thereof. Have it in writing, and get them to sign. Note the time they leave, and the time they enter!

man that sucks. and for an ASU game? arizona state and Arkansas state are not worth that.

KittenOnAcid 1

Because ASU ******* sucks, U of A is where its at

See you got taken for a ride because of your foolish inocence. Agree on a price before hand and if they don't then pay, vandalise their place later in a non tracable way like wear something that obscures your face (cap), throw a brick through a window and run like hell.

Agree on a price and get it in writing for informal business transactions like babysitting, otherwise you'll get screwed most of the time.

Think of all the cool stuff you can buy with that $ Mexico.

kira822_fml 0

Obviously they only got five dollars because they were sitting cheep Kate Gosland and her new body gard bf.

hahha, i thought of Jon & Kate as well,. man that sucks though, only 5 bucks. ****. and hey! i love that show! and being in Australia were like, seriesss behind.

Ouch!!! never baby sit for them again!!

wilt 0

If your going to work for yourself you might try setting a pricelist upfront. YDI

demand your mother ******* money!! you deserve to get WAY more than five dollars! tell them that you wont accept their shitty payment!