By JazzyandAlice - 20/09/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, I went to babysit eight kids under the age of ten, all by myself. After five hours of Hell, the parents finally came back from the ASU game. I got paid $5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 965
You deserved it 7 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you say anything?! Stand up for yourself!

Alister09 0

I would say Hmm...$5 for 8 kids under 10? I think I'll tell everyone that goes to my school that you're cheap and you'll never be able to get a babysitter again!


Greyst0ne 0

YDI for working under the table

YDI for not firmly establishing your rate before the parents left. FYL because they're assholes and paid you a pittance per child. Also, it's illegal in most places for there to be a higher ratio of children to childcare workers. Ex. 4:1 is fine, 8:1 is ******* insane.

8 kids under 10? Damn where you babysitting the gosselins or something?

yeah I've babysat this same girl twice a week (at least). Her parents are divorced and they both have me babysit, the mom is really good about paying me the agreed amount, but the dad never tells me when she has a friend over, and pays me less then I should get for just watching his daughter let alone a friend too. In that situation I always call her mom up (who I know better) and bitch about her ex and I always end up getting the money. With this family I get 10$ an hour, one time I baby sat her and her dad didn't tell me that she had a friend over and failed to tell me that I had to drive her to her friends birthday and stay there for 3 hours... talk about awkward , I watched her and her friend a total of 9 hours and got 60 dollars total, I was so mad .... the mom then got me another 100 dollars out of him for him being an ass :)... just stand up for yourself

........... well you know anyone that goes to an ASU game is going to be a cheap bastard so.. serves you right.

So this is what the Octomom's been up to...

what the ****!?! are they even allowed to do that? however, revenge - tell everyone u know what they did & make sure they tell everyone, that way it gets around, especially anyone that might babysit for them. then they won't be able to go out anymore & they'll have to stay home with the little monsters

Eight kids?? WTF. These people seriously need to stop breeding if they can't afford to spend the time and money to take care of their own damn kids.