By snowinggrey - 19/02/2012 04:03 - United States

Today, I went to choir rehearsal at 7:30 in the morning. When the guy I have a major crush on stood next to me, I got really excited, so I tried to sound good. After the song ended, he asked me if I wanted some gum to cover up my morning breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 814
You deserved it 11 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, he's caring! Sounds like he was kinda polite about it :L

DontClickOnMe 28

How embarrassing, but sounds like someone needs to brush their teeth better.


Tiecho 4

Yeah self-awareness of your personal hygiene should come before showing off

If he was smiling and doing it in a playful manner then he was likely teasing OP which probably means he likes you. Unless your breath really was that disgusting.

hey atleast he was polite enough to tell you, and offer you some gum.

bliss1234 2

At least he offered the gum which means he didn't want you to go around all day with bad breath and embarrass yourself . Shows he area a little(:

alexicanaaa 7

Eww so you didnt brush your teeth? Even if you did you should've popped some gum in there. Embarrassing.

MrsUresti 8

Hahahahaha how embarrassing!!!!

He would never kiss u. At least,if i were him.

Well he's got balls for saying something about it,

jazzy82195 0