By refticon - 06/02/2013 08:45 - Belgium - Antwerp
refticon tells us more.
Hi guys, OP here. I just wanted you to know I've laughed plenty of times over the years remembering your replies ! Here's to you ! Grtz Alex
Top comments
Might as well give it a good use and go to sleep!
Looks like your professor has the right idea. Too bad you didn't find out until you were already there.
This has to be the first time I've ever seen an FML with no downvotes.
And 25 now.. you just had to jinx it..
Carpool next time.
Oh, snap!
You are a lunatic and she is sane. I think you just learned a valuable lesson today. Have you ever seen someone ride a bike on a snow-covered street? It's surreal! The rider really has no way to stop or turn, so it just looks crazy!
That actually sounds really fun. Too bad it doesn't snow where I live, I'd totally try that.
Yeah, and end up in the road under the wheels of a car. Really fun.
Yeah, I live in Texas. We simply aren't prepared for snow. When it does snow, most people stay indoors or stay on plowed roads. Obviously, I'm not going to risk getting nailed by a truck if I actually decided to ride a bike in the snow, so I'd probably stick to riding in circles on my driveway or something.
#5, for me it's quite common to ride a bike in the snow, just like almost everyone else in the Netherlands :)
Screeeeew youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm too late.
Yea, well, at least I got sleet in my one, so naaaah ;)
There's not a snowball's chance in hell that you could beat me, in fact, there's snow-man here who could hope to win-ter. I thawed that was clear already, but apparently not. So consider this a freeze lesson then ;)
I like this. I like you two together. please, do continue. amuse me ever more
Awe #39 you scared them off. Who knows when they'll appear again.
I'm pretty sure PokeWife's husband knows.
Hi guys, OP here. I just wanted you to know I've laughed plenty of times over the years remembering your replies ! Here's to you ! Grtz Alex
That is dedication, OP, but look on the bright side: you can go home and build a snow man!
No need to be condescending.
It's not even snowing there right now, but maybe it's a story that happened last week.
Check your e-mails, or call other classmates
At least you got some exercise!
Can't belive your professor flaked out on you like that. There's snow telling how lazy some people can be, just for a few more hours of sleet. Icy no reason why you shouldn't call her out on the fact that she's shirking her duties.

Snow big deal. No need to flake out. You get an ice relaxing day off.
You are a lunatic and she is sane. I think you just learned a valuable lesson today. Have you ever seen someone ride a bike on a snow-covered street? It's surreal! The rider really has no way to stop or turn, so it just looks crazy!