By gracezering - 17/06/2014 11:45 - United States - Jeffersonville

Today, I went to CVS to buy some tampons. The cashier said, "Ewwww... You're on your period." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 610
You deserved it 7 279

gracezering tells us more.

I'm the OP and the cashier was a female. I know! Wtf, right??

Top comments

That's quite rude and invasive for someone who is just supposed to be quiet and ring you up

softviking 12

Some people should not work as cashiers...


RedPillSucks 31

CVS is using 8yr old as cashiers?

QueenofWheels 13

some 8 years have them already

I would have faked the worst cramps in the world just to scare the little immature turd! It's called life...women are just as unhappy about it as anyone! LoL You should of responded with "ewwww you're stuck on stupid?"

Should have told the manager and got stuff for free

He deserves a slap across his face , fyl

ztress 10

In surprised u didnt punch him

What is wrong with people!? That's awful!