By gracezering - 17/06/2014 11:45 - United States - Jeffersonville
By gracezering - 17/06/2014 11:45 - United States - Jeffersonville
I'm the OP and the cashier was a female. I know! Wtf, right??
People like that make me lose faith in humanity. Also, way to assume! Just because you're buying feminine hygiene products doesn't necessarily mean it's THAT time of the month; you could just be stocking up/preparing for it!.
either way, there was no reason for him to make a comment. is he not aware that all females have menstrual cycles and that it is a completely natural occurrence for which no woman should be made to feel embarassed or ashamed of? would he rather women just bleed all over the place instead of using feminine products? no i doubt he would. his lack of maturity, understanding, and professionalism is whats disgusting.
How old is the cashier 4? I mean how unprofessional and immature can you be?
It's just a harmless joke. I'm sure you will get over it
it's not a harmless joke, some people are very sensitive about it, and definitely don't want it made public to everyone
In some countries women are banned from their houses, beaten and treated like crap just for being on heir periods. Not to mention the shame almost all societies make girls feel for something so natural. So regardless of whether or not it was a joke it is incredibly offensive and inappropriate.
Say, "I was going to buy them, but you sound like you need them more." then walk out like a boss
Who said it was a guy
I'm willing to bet a female cashier would be more understanding of another woman buying tampons. After all, a female cashier would have to buy them for herself. What would be really fun is if a guy got squicked out because he had to ring up tampons or pads is to give a graphic description of all the misery your period causes you.
Or maybe you just want to be prepared for when you are. Either way, the cashier was immature and unprofessional.
How immature and rude of him! If he's old enough to work, he should know that periods are something that all girls go through. Sorry OP
Send CVS an email about this. This sort of unprofessional behavior costs companies money. After all, I'm willing to bet you're likely to avoid shopping there for this product in the future. And how many other woman has he done this with?
Not to mention how many people view stories like this online and go "Well, if a company is going to allow that kind of crap I think I will take my business elsewhere."
that's when you say, "yayy I'm not pregnant" and leave.
That's quite rude and invasive for someone who is just supposed to be quiet and ring you up
Some people should not work as cashiers...