By gracezering - 17/06/2014 11:45 - United States - Jeffersonville

Today, I went to CVS to buy some tampons. The cashier said, "Ewwww... You're on your period." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 610
You deserved it 7 279

gracezering tells us more.

I'm the OP and the cashier was a female. I know! Wtf, right??

Top comments

That's quite rude and invasive for someone who is just supposed to be quiet and ring you up

softviking 12

Some people should not work as cashiers...


I hope you went & talked to a manager about it cuz that was extremely rude of that cashier to do. I personally would've gotten embarrassed, esp if there was other people/customers around.

That was rude on the cashiers part.

I thought we abolished child labor laws

Tell them to shut up and that most every women go through it. And I would have said if you can't handle ringing up tampons why are you here? I know there are much worse things to ring up at the drug store.

Shoulda just said, "Ewww...your job sucks."

As if having to buy tampons wasn't bad enough, he/she had to announce it.

Ewwww you're an immature douchebag.