By robert - 31/01/2012 00:20 - United States

Today, I went to deliver some reports to my boss in his office. He was facing away from me and ranting about his "useless employees", so I slipped in and waited for him to put the phone down. Turns out he was talking to himself. When he noticed me, he bitched me out and threatened to fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 472
You deserved it 4 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

usnwife 18

Maybe a polite knock before sneaking into your bosses office? I'd be pissed too if someone slipped in and just stood there! But I do have to admit he sounds a little off for talking to himself like that...


Op really should have recorded that. That is some funny stuff when people talk to themselves!

pittpsu75 0
bitchslapped22 14

You should have asassinated him before he saw you.

Inediblepeaches 15

Nobody said anything about the job being bad... o_O

Inediblepeaches, YDI for Picking a bad brain.

Inediblepeaches, YDI for Picking a bad brain.

Contract some to tell you how to kill your boss... There's a movie out there!!

msjoyfull84 0

It can be frustrating as hell when you have useless staff. If only mine would stop making me make them cry.

diva26 4

LOL aww OP, that sounds like my last job.

You could walk loudly into the door, lol, don't do that... just tryin to make you look like a **** tard.

perdix 29

Sounds like an ideal match: useless employees and psychotic boss. Not that the company has a bright future, but at least, they all deserve to go down together.