By bummer - 25/11/2009 00:44 - United States

Today, I went to drive my mom's car for a change. It wouldn't start, so I open the hood. Someone had stolen the battery. I go to start my own car so I can drive to the police station to report the theft, and discover someone siphoned off my gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 725
You deserved it 2 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who the **** drives to the police station to report a theft? have you heard of a telephone?!?


Did someone swindle your tyres while they were at it?

Just a thought, you might want to look outside every now and then. And all those suspicious noises at night, there is a reason they are called suspicious .

ouch! so did you take the battery out of your car and put it in your mom's car? lol

Omg, someone is stealing a whole car, piece by piece!

twistedspeaker 0

Who the hell goes to the police to report a stolen car battery? That makes no sense.

Jonathan33 0

that's sooo gangsta son! haha suburbs these days...always trying to be ghetto

just take the battery from your car and put it into your mom's can and say that somebody stole your gas and your battery

Car batteries aren't always interchangeable.

whatsisface 0

Considering you are a woman, you probly just ran out of gas.

Seriously, cut out that sexist shit, man.