By bummer - 25/11/2009 00:44 - United States

Today, I went to drive my mom's car for a change. It wouldn't start, so I open the hood. Someone had stolen the battery. I go to start my own car so I can drive to the police station to report the theft, and discover someone siphoned off my gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 725
You deserved it 2 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

who the **** drives to the police station to report a theft? have you heard of a telephone?!?


Punkartmama 0

This has nothing to do with living in a bad neighborhood. Turn on the news, it's happening all over. This is what happens when the economy sucks, people steal anything not locked down.

who the **** drives to the police station to report a theft? have you heard of a telephone?!?

when i was a kid i went to court to pay my first ticket being under 18 i had to bring a parent went to go home somebody stole battery in front of courthouse still had to pay fine plus battery cost and new cables because the cut them

Uhm, things called a phone. Or you could have switched your battery over to her car to get it started. YDI.

You know you can't apply a report by phone, right? Either way, FYL OP. :/

there's this magical thing they invented called a phone. you call 911 or your police stations number which can be found on the front page of the phone book (this thing has its own book that comes out every year) and you call them and let them know that way. also better idea if you have some know how, take your battery out and put it in your mom's car. hopefully there is still gas in that car

ozymandias_fml 0

YDI for leaving the first car unlocked, and YDIx2 for not *calling* the police. That's what they have phones for -- to come to the scene of the crime and take your reports.

DoomJeff91 2