By smpenn89 - 16/07/2014 14:26 - United States - Canton

Today, I went to fill out my time sheet. Someone had edited it, and now it suddenly ends August 22nd. I think I'm getting fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 988
You deserved it 3 854

smpenn89 tells us more.

OP Here! As of last week, my time sheet( a simple excel sheet) listed all the dates through the end of the year. Now it does not. Yes, I understand that it is still over a month away, but since my current project is a procedure list of everything I do, how I do it, and passwords of everything, I am guessing they need me to finish this first. I am not confrontational, and understand I need to speak to my bosses, but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet. I went looking on craigslist for job postings-found one Identical to the job I currently hold...and since I was hired through craigslist...yeah that about sums it up. Actively looking for a new job- if they cant be professional enough to fire me the right way, they don't deserve to have me anyway.

Top comments

Speak to your boss. There should definitely be an error.

why not apply for the same job through the ad, but this time ask for double pay because you're very experienced with this job :)


Chris_1163187222 15

Be smart hand in notice before hand saves face and they look like dicks