By Bamamomma01 - 13/03/2009 18:08 - United States

Today, I went to get my midterm essay grade thinking I couldn't have made lower than a B. Got to class and my douchebag professor gave me an F. He wrote "Best essay I read, would've been an A if it was the right topic." I wrote on the Industrial Revolution, instead of the Scientific Revolution. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 826
You deserved it 87 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so he's a douchebag because you can't read instructions?

shantoyamuchluv 0

You're too stupid to figure out the difference between the INDUSTRIAL revolution and the SCIENTIFIC revolution and you call your professor a douchebag? Sounds like the pot's calling the kettle black.


Yea... That's your fault. You didn't follow directions. So don't call him names

Then he isn't really a douchebag you're just an idiot for writing on the wrong topic?

I agree that sucks but it's not his fault.

I'm sorry to hear that OP, I've done the exact same thing as well once!

The professor isn't a douchebag, you're the douchebag OP. How dare you blame him when you were too ******* stupid to read over the assignment

Who's the douchebag? Get the topic right idiot.

he's a douche bag because you couldn't get the topic right?? ydi