By ConfusedDad - 29/12/2013 07:01 - United States

Today, I went to my bedroom for some alone time while my daughter watched TV. I didn't realize that my iPad was still connected to the Apple TV, until I hit play on some porn and heard a scream from the other room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 525
You deserved it 59 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess that's one way to avoid "the talk" with her. I just hope she isn't scared for life from that. YDI totally dude.


amayasoma 19

He should have waited til daughter was in bed, not home, or something.

#74 agreed, not really appropriate while his daughters in the other room watchin tv!!

Dang, poor little child:( OP definitely deserves this one!

Really hope she is older so she already knows about sex, but she would be disgusted to realize that her father was watching that.

This same thing was on 9GAG, sure its your story?

always gotta check all aspects of **** security. volume, connections, people/windows behind you....

Some tech is just hard to remember i probably would have done the same thing on accident

is it bad that this is the funniest fml I've read in a while? "that's how adults wrestle hunny"

Well I guess that's one way to avoid "the talk" with her. I just hope she isn't scared for life from that. YDI totally dude.

How do know the age of the daughter? The op never said she was a child

Either way that is a horrible life experience and the younger the age the better as they wont remember it hopefully

Epikouros 31

If she were really young, mainstream **** would've been nothing but weird gymnastics to her. And then she wouldn't have screamed...

emirie 21

Well, maybe, depending on the type of **** he watches.

Really hope the daughter wasn't really young

Epikouros 31

I didn't make that up, I read about a little girl who watched the **** channel in a hotel room and asked what kind of gymnastics those people were doing. (Sigh, try explaining how an innocent child thinks to a site full of horny teenagers.)

CynePhoba 23

Hopefully she's still got her innocence, and hopefully you'll be more careful next time! FHL to be honest.

jazzy_123 20

It's sad. My mom had a friend who's child was looking at ****. He found out the code to unlock it on the tv and he'd lock himself up I'm the room. One day his mom walked in on him and he was jacking off. The kid was like 8 years old!

The **** part is kind of young, but even some babies **********. It's pretty normal for young kids to do it.

jazzy_123 20

I understand what you're trying to say. Children don't **********,(masturbation is when people touch themselves in a sexual way) they feel their parts because they're exploring themselves. Its completely normal for them to do that. However, I'm sure this child was doing it in a sexual way since he was exposed to it and yet at the same time didn't know any better.

The are actually very young children that ********** but they don't really know that's what they are doing. I vaguely remember seeing something about a little girl who would rock herself a certain way in her car seat until she achieved ******. No idea where I saw that though.

You can tell this to my 12 year old self. I'm sure I knew what I was doing. Also sneakily watching **** on tv. But anyways, I'm not scarred by it like some people seem to think. Sex is natural.

@106, You probably saw that on an episode of House! There's a scene with House talking to a patient in the clinic who's afraid of her young daughter having some illness because of the "episodes" of shortness or breath and increased heart rate she has when rocking herself against her car seat.

110, sex is natural for adults, but not for little kids. There's no excuse for a parent exposing their young child to ****.

Aw that poor girl.. Good luck explaining that one

Maybe he can trick her into thinking that it was just something on tv... Just kidding.

Explanations are so much better with visuals

Damian95 16

They were just playin leap frog and her clothes fell off.

How old is your daughter? You better talk to her about it, otherwise she may be traumatised..

Precisely, influences like this on a child can leave them scarred for life. When she's old enough to consider such matters, this subconscious trauma will resonate through her mind in a very negative way. Talk to her.

I think that name should be changed to ConfusedDaughter.

crazytwinsmom 25
mimiminx 23

YDI for watching **** while your daughter was awake in the house. Wait until she's asleep or out!

I agree. No way in hell am I going to watch **** when everyones up and about. How are you going to relax and enjoy if youre worrying if she hears something or comes to the door? YDI.

mimiminx 23

#25 Indeed I am serious. I can't imagine anything worse than knowing my dad was bashing one out in the bedroom while I was watching tv in the living room. Vile.

Sorry but what's the big deal? Assuming he has the door locked she wouldn't even know? If a guy isn't allowed to jack off basically ever in your opinion wouldn't he be frustrated? Just think your going overboard everyone needs alone time.

shyeahh_fml 19

What do you mean he wouldn't be allowed to jack off ever? I have plenty of time. I'm usually the last one awake in my house, which helps my cause, but it's not hard to find time. Whether I'm home alone, the last one awake, or about to get in the shower (people may be up but I won't be disturbed), I make it happen. You definitely shouldn't just walk into your room and do the deed though. There's no protection there.

Laurenlou 24

No one needs **** to **********. In fact, its better not to use **** because **** is just as addictive as hard drugs. **** also fuels the human trafficking industry. Those women may have a gun pointed to their heads off camera. Even if it was the woman's choice to get involved in ****, then men will not let her leave easily. The women get drugged up and threatened to be killed if they don't make it look enjoyable. 80% of the **** online is abusive **** where women get beat for the man's pleasure. Do you know what that does to young men's brains? It tells them its okay to treat women like that.

Epikouros 31

Let's assume all that bullshit they've been feeding you is true, #84. Anyone who dislikes the **** industry can find more amateur **** on the internet than they could ever watch. And at least no one is threatened with eternal damnation in order to make ****. You know how I got into hardcore ****? By reading about rape, prostitution, adultery and gangbangs in the Bible when I was bored in church. Do you want to ban the books of Genesis, Kings and the Song of songs? And let's not forget Ezekiel who ate shit in public just to be an attention *****.

wow number 84 how ignorant can you possibly be? have you ever watched **** in your life? it depends on what type of **** you are into. they have millions of categories idiot. I watch **** and have no shame in saying it. shut up and research shit before you decide to comment you ******* prude

I dont know what is going on in your head right now. But I am a girl/woman. I love ****. 1. **** is actually keeping people off the streets. **** has through studies led to a decline in rape. 2. I'd rather have a **** addict than a rapist, okay. At least they are keeping their fantasies in their heads. 3. I think you are living under a rock.

the more and more I reread 84's comment the more and more I get pissed off. God so ignorant. If that is your thought on that I am going to assume someone has drugged you and put a gun to your head after they human trafficked you here to comment on this. I am a woman, watch ****, have ******, strap-on's, handcuffs, leg irons, a shit ton of **** of all types, so I guess I have to have been drugged and have a gun to my head and been trafficked to Connecticut to have these things???? I can't stand people like you that think that people who watch or are in the **** industry are to haven been doing so with out their own free will. still a virgin? And if nit only have sex in missionary position? I am going to assume so.

the more and more I reread 84's comment the more and more I get pissed off. God so ignorant. If that is your thought on that I am going to assume someone has drugged you and put a gun to your head after they human trafficked you here to comment on this. I am a woman, watch ****, have ******, strap-on's, handcuffs, leg irons, a shit ton of **** of all types, so I guess I have to have been drugged and have a gun to my head and been trafficked to Connecticut to have these things???? I can't stand people like you that think that people who watch or are in the **** industry are to haven been doing so with out their own free will. still a virgin? And if nit only have sex in missionary position? I am going to assume so.

I agree with #8. Totally depends what you were watching. Still should talk to her though.