By ConfusedDad - 29/12/2013 07:01 - United States

Today, I went to my bedroom for some alone time while my daughter watched TV. I didn't realize that my iPad was still connected to the Apple TV, until I hit play on some porn and heard a scream from the other room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 524
You deserved it 59 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess that's one way to avoid "the talk" with her. I just hope she isn't scared for life from that. YDI totally dude.


Something tells me this might be a Freudian slip and maybe you wanted to do some of that stuff in the **** with your daughter? You wouldn't be the first one to want that.

ThomasBombadil 31

What? I think your post is a Freudian slip. Wow.

Most appalling comment ever. Congratulations?!

Yeah and i think a fair few of the others are in jail by now.

You are one sick **** that's just wrong on so many levels

I think (hope?) that it was a failed attempt to humor.

32 - yeah cos there's nothing funnier than incestuous paedophilia right?

WOW Something tells me that you're a sick **** to even think or say something like that dude!! Ya it was nit the best of timing for this to have happened, it was an accident. clearly you are perfect and have never been caught out doing anything of this nature. ******* idiot!!

For your sake, I hope that that was an (failed) attempt at being funny.

Technology. . Screwing lives once again!

His life isn't the only thing getting screwed...

skipper2009 18

No you're not confused but an idiot.

She can never unsee that! I know from experience, I've never asked to borrow my dad's iPad again. Off for therapy and to rock in a corner somewhere.

Call your provider and make sure to yell really loud, "WHY DID YOU CHANGE OUR CHANNELS". Then wing it from there

Congratulations, you've scarred your daughter for life. Father of the year, everyone!

perdix 29

Blame it on the perverted guinea pig!

arandomusernameaa 20

Yeh that's not going to happen... Hate to break it to you but there are better uses for prison cells than this...