By melikeyturtles - 02/11/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's apartment to break up with him since he's always busy, and I haven't seen or spoke to him in almost 2 months. I arrived to find out from his landlord that he'd moved out 3 weeks ago, leaving a note saying that we were over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 304
You deserved it 8 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ikickgingers 15

After two months, whats the point?

bargarlm 2

What an ass. He took the big dramatic douchebag break up move. But ydi cause you should of realized something was up if it had been 3 weeks.


After not talking/seeing each other for 2 months means its been over. Never wait that long. That's just crazy

doglover100 28

It was a dick move but two months of no contact, wouldn't you think something was up?

your own fault. its not just up to the guy to keep in contact. you should have made an effort too. After that long no one needed to say it was over, it was dead obvious.

Wow some people are so childish and inconsiderate. You deserve better!

YDI for this, you shouldn't be writing and FML unless you are the type that always have to dump them and not vice versa, either way YDI, you wanted to be over and you got the break up you wanted

YDI, You wanted the relationship to end, it ended, if you just posted the fml for sympathy then you are just a horrible person

If you haven't seen or spoken with someone in 2 months and they're not in the military, you've been broken up with. I don't see how you didn't get the hint after the first month


just after a week of not seeing him i would think somethings up.