By melikeyturtles - 02/11/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's apartment to break up with him since he's always busy, and I haven't seen or spoke to him in almost 2 months. I arrived to find out from his landlord that he'd moved out 3 weeks ago, leaving a note saying that we were over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 304
You deserved it 8 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ikickgingers 15

After two months, whats the point?

bargarlm 2

What an ass. He took the big dramatic douchebag break up move. But ydi cause you should of realized something was up if it had been 3 weeks.


Wtf? Why does it matter? She was going to end it anyway. Please dont tell me your pissed because the guy broke up with her instead of the other way around....

So he broke up with you instead of you breaking up with him.... How is this an issue?

sgtwho 4

Well he beat you to it, but you were gonna do it anyway. More importantly, you didn't see or talk to him in 2 months and still thought you were together? YDI dude, YDI

What a dick ******* hate dochebag find his ass and cut his balls off

ummm first of all why would you wait 2 months thats dumb, and why would he leave a note its not like he cares thats why he left.

clubcreek 0

YDI for waiting around for two months before trying to figure out what's up. He is a douche though.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

You kinda deserve it if it took you that long to notice. But what he did was still ****** up.

tootsie68 22

What a coward. He couldn't even say it straight to your face.

allisadawn91 8

He didn't talk to you for two months and you still thought you were together? Wtf?